Chapter twenty one

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Neji and Kakashi runs over to restrain Sasuke

"Stop it!" You yell while crying.

Naruto gets up to see Hinata bruh last everyone.

" Hinata! Wait up!" He runs over.

You go over to sasuke.

" Look babe I can explain you just have to listen-"you start to talk but get cut off.

" No I don't feel like the bull shit (name) I don't care ever since you came in my life it's been nothing but drama and three people are dead because of it" Sasuke yells at you angrily.

" Fuck you Sasuke if it wasn't for you being a snooty ass fuck boy I wouldn't be a teen mom and my parents wouldn't be dead!" You snap back tearfully.

Everyone looks in shock.

You start to cry.

Ino then walks over to you wrapping her arms around you and you guys walk out together.

Sasuke also leaves.

That night you ended up taking your daughter and staying with Ino.

You were sitting in the kitchen playing with your daughter as Ino was cooking dinner.

"Daddy's such an asshole..."you say sadly playing with your daughters little hands.

" it'll be okay (name) maybe it would be best if you guys took some space" Ino suggests while fixing two plates of pasta.

" to be honest I think I want more than space from him maybe we shouldn't be together at all" you sigh.

" You've has a long crazy night...just sleep on it and don't do anything you'll regret in the next day or so " she says taking a bite of her food.

" yea I am tired..."you yawn.

You look at your phone and don't see any calls or messages from him.

"Do you think I should reach out to him before I go to bed?" You ask Ino.

"No trust me you want him too reach out first" she advices.

"Hn...true" you say taking your daughter and walking up the steps.

"Good night (name)" Ino says.

" night" you say going to bed for the night.

*Sasuke's POV*

Sasuke was drunk making out in his car with Karin.

She kissed his neck as he groans rolling it back in pleasure.

"Damn I miss this" He mutters in her ear grabbing her ass and bouncing it up and down on him.

She moans.

His phone starts to ring.

It was (name) so he ignores it flipping his phone down.

" who was that?" Karin asks through moans.

" don't worry about it " he goes deeper inside of her.

* your POV *

He didn't answer.

You cry to yourself quietly as you should have listened to Ino when it came to not calling.

You cry yourself to bed for the night.

Two weeks went by and you still didn't hear him not even to check on ( daughters name).

Your period was also late by two days.

You sigh as you go to the dollar store to go buy a pregnancy test and go to the store bathroom after you pay for it.

You sat your daughter's stroller down as you pee on the test.

About five minutes later it comes back positive.

"Fuck" you say burying your face between your legs.

After you leave the store you call sasuke.

"Hello?" He says sounding half asleep.

"We need to talk like now I'm getting (daughters name) and coming to the house" you say into the phone.

"Hello who's this?" You hear a females voice say.

" What the hell bitch!?!" You start speeding down the streets.

You go straight to your house and you go inside to see a naked red haired woman in the kitchen cooking breakfast.

"Get the fuck out my house slut!" You yell at her  throwing a ladle at her.

She runs out.

Sasuke comes downstairs.

"You cheating asshole" you go over to him.

" hn your finally home" He says sarcastically looking away.

"You didn't call to check on me or (daughters name) in two weeks so I'm assuming your just fine without me" you frown.

"What do you want?" He asks.

"I'm pregnant." You say in a low angry voice.

His eyes widen.

He becomes super quiet.

"You sure it's not Naruto's?" He asks folding his arms.

"It's yours we used protection" you lie.

Truth be told you didn't know who's it was but you wanted your family back again.

He then walks over to you and places his hand on your stomach.

You put your hand on top of his.

*end of chapter*

Hey guys know it's even forever since I updated but hope you enjoy..

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