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Floating in endless nothing.
Where am I? Hello? Is anyone there?
Void. Nothing is here.
Someone? Anyone?!
No sound, no sight, no taste, no feelings, no smells.
How did I get here? Why am I here? How did this happen? How do I leave?
I'm not dead. I'm not alive. Nor am I existing. I am nothing. Forgotten, left behind.
Please help me. I can't feel my body. I can't breathe.
One left. One who can't let go. One who's preventing the complete destruction of my being. Why can't he let go? Being gone forever is better than being in hellish void space. With nobody. Nothing. Only my own thoughts. That's the only thing left, I have no heart beat. I'm not breathing. I'm only existing somewhere that doesn't exist.
Screaming for help gets me nowhere, there is nobody here. The one who can't give up isn't in nonexistence anyways, he can't save me. He isn't here. He still exists.
I want to cry. I want to scream. I can't, I can't do anything. I want somebody, anybody to help me out of this nothing.
PLEASE! PLEASE! PLEASE! H̶̺͆E̴̳̍̄L̸͇͊͝P̸̗̘̆̆ ̶͖̪͆͝M̷̺̤͛E̵̬̽͊!
Hmm? Is that another presence? In void space? How strange. Is it him? The one who's keeping me trapped here? It is, isn't it?
If I scream loud enough, will he hear me?
Hello..? Hello....? Hello?...Hello? Hello?
I wonder if he can hear me.
Help me...somebody...please..
Who's voice is that?
I can hear him.
Can you hear me...? Can you hear me?... Can you hear me?
Who are you?
You remember me, don't you?
Help me please...
Who am I supposed to help?
I don't know who you are...
Please help me...
I feel enraged, this isn't working.
How do I help you? Are you...Kyle..?
He said my name. He remembers me, doesn't he? Suddenly, my entire body feels like it's on fire. Black void leaks from my face. I've never experienced pain like this in my entire existence. I want to scream in agony. My throat can't manage that. Only small, pitiful words.
H e l p m e... I t h u r t s
Who are you? What hurts?
S a v e m e...
. . .
I don't know. I don't know how many days it's been. I lost track of time. It's hard to keep track of time when you don't exist and you're in a void of nothing. I guess the universe hates me, huh? Putting me here in nothing. I can remember everything. Everyone. Every event that happened in my existence. They, however, moved on. Once I became nothing, their memories of me became nothing. If a memory of something that doesn't exist is brought up, the universe has to correct it somehow. It will prevent nothing from becoming something where it doesn't exist. The one who can't let go however, has failed to forget all of what is now nothing. He can't let go. He doesn't want to, whether he realizes it or not. It's his fault I'm stuck. He just can't forget about me. I'm frustrated now. I'm going to scream. I need to. This void. It's driving me insane.


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