Waking Up

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I woke up in the library, still a bit dizzy. I lifted my head off the table to see a concerned Wendy looking at me. There was black liquid on the table and floor from when vomited.
"Are you alright, Eric? You passed out for a few minutes." Wendy said.
I nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine."
"Are you sick or something? You were fine and then you just fainted out of nowhere." She said, walking to stand next to me, stepping in the small puddle of black liquid on the floor.
She didn't notice she stepped in it, nor did she acknowledge the mess of fluid on the table.
I shook my head. "No, I'm not sick. I guess I just didn't get enough sleep last night, I'll be fine." I said quickly, wanting to get home after that experience in the void.
"Alright then, I'll see you later I guess." She said, walking off.
I sighed and looked at the book on the table. How the hell was I supposed to take the book home without a library card?
I looked over at the old lady at the front desk. I didn't really feel like signing up for a card, or talking to that old bitch. She was busy on the library's computer, so I figured that I could steal the book without her noticing.
I got up from the table and walked back to where I found book, acting like I was going to put it back. Once I was out of her sight, I slipped the book up into my shirt and jacket to hide it. Luckily, my jacket was thick enough to hide the book and I was fa- big enough that the book blended in with my stomach if I sucked it in a bit. It was a bit uncomfortable, but once I was out of the library I could carry it normally.
I walked quickly past the old lady at the front desk, her bad eyesight not seeing me walk by with the book in my shirt. I walked out the door and took the book out of my shirt once I was a few feet away from the library. I walked home in the somewhat frigid weather, noticing that it was starting to get late.
I walked back to my house, glancing over at Kyle's missing house and sighing before entering my house.
When I walked in, my whore of a mother was laying on the couch,  completely wasted in a slutty dress with her panties halfway down her thighs, gross. She looked like a complete mess, but then again, she was gone for at least three days so I don't really know why I expected anything else.
I sighed in annoyance and walked upstairs to her room, grabbing her blanket and a pillow off of her bed. I took the blanket and pillow downstairs and covered her with the blanket, making sure she'd be warm enough for tonight. I then lifted her head up slightly and placed the pillow down, laying her head back down on the pillow.
I walked into the kitchen and looked around for something to eat. It was clear that my mom hadn't gone shopping in a few weeks since there was barely anything to eat. I decided to just have a bowl of cereal since I was too lazy to make any actual dinner with the few things we had.
I grabbed a bowl and poured some Cheerios in it, pouring the milk in afterwards. I grabbed a spoon and sat at the kitchen table, eating my cereal in silence.
Once I finished eating, I put my bowl in the sink and walked upstairs into my room. I looked at my clock and decided it was a bit too early to go to bed. I thought that reading a bit more of the book I stole would be a good idea until I was ready to go to bed.
I sat on my bed and opened the book, easily finding the page I was on because of the drops of black liquid on it. I read more about what voids were and how someone came up with the theory of them.
As my eyes scanned the pages, I felt myself getting lost in the information. It was hard to understand alot of it, since science really wasn't my type of thing, but I got the general gist of it. I read more about the doctor who disappeared while studying voids and how the same black liquid that I was vomiting was found all over his lab.
Before I knew it, I was starting to get really tired. I got up and put the book on my desk. That was probably the most reading I've ever done.
I got changed out of my clothes and turned off the light, laying down and closing my eyes. I slowly started to drift off and soon fell asleep.
. . .
Darkness. More darkness. Even more darkness.
I'm in the void again. Why do I always come here whenever I fall asleep? I'm starting to get sick of not sleeping normally.
Kyle soon comes into view. He's not laying down, sitting, or looking around like he usually is, he's sitting with his knees pulled up to his chest. His face is buried in his knees and he's slowly rocking back and forth, mumbling quietly to himself.
I raise an eyebrow, curious about what he's doing.
I approach him. "Kyle?" I ask softly.
He doesn't seem to hear me, he just continues to mumble about...needles?
"Kyle?" I ask a bit louder.
He turns and looks at me, his eyes missing with the black liquid dripping out of his sockets. He doesn't seem happy to see me.
"Fuck off, Fat boy." He says, his voice cracking a bit.
I roll my eyes. "Nice to see you too."

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