It's Not Funny

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   I'm so stressed right now. The infinite silence of this void is driving me crazy. It's so quiet that the only thing I can hear is my own thoughts, which is definitely not a good thing. My dream- no, my hellish nightmare keeps replaying in my head. All of those fucking needles...I'm never sleeping in this void again, it's not like I need it here anyways.
The thoughts of my dream is making me panic. The thought of that doctor...all of those needles. I'm terrified. I hate needles, and I hate them even more now. My eye hurts just thinking about that dream.
I pull my knees to my chest as I start to breathe heavily. I want to cry, this is too much for me. My legs feel weak, and I'm not even standing. I'm shaking uncontrollably.
I start to cry. Why is this happening to me? What did I do to deserve this? I bury my face in my knees and sob, not caring if I stain my pants. I start to hyperventilate. I have a headache now.
I rock myself back and forth, trying to calm myself down.
"There are no needles here, I'm okay, I'm okay, I am okay." I mumble to myself.
"No needles, no needles, no needles, no needles. Just void. No needles, no needles, no needles. Just void. Just void. Just. Void. No. Needles..."
"No needles. No needles. No needles. No needles. No needles. Just void. No needles."
I suddenly hear someone say my name. I look over and see Cartman. I frown.
"Fuck off, Fatass." I say, a bit irritated.
"Nice to see you too." He says with an eye roll.
I flip him off and bury my face in my knees again.
"Are you alright, Kyle?" He asks in a concerned tone.
For some reason, that extremely pisses me off. I turn to him, glaring.
"Of course Cartman! Everything is just fucking swell right now! It's not like I'm stuck in a fuCKING VOID FOR ALL ETERNITY OR ANYTHING RIGHT?!" I say sarcastically.
He seems shocked. He looks at me like I'm crazy.
"Chill the fuck out Kyle, I don't know what crawled up your vagina and died, but you need to fix whatever is wrong with you." He says, sounding stern yet worried at the same time.
He gives me that look again. He actually looks scared this time, not just shocked.
After yelling like that, I start breathing heavily. He slowly reaches down and tries to touch my shoulder. I'm about to lash out at him for trying to touch me, but his hand goes right through my shoulder.
"What the fuck..." He mumbles to himself.
Even I'm shocked a bit, but I'm still glad he didn't touch me. I question why his hand went through me, but then I remember something.
"You're sleeping, aren't you?" I say.
He nods. Oh, that's why.
"It's because you aren't physically in the void, you're just mentally here, that's why you can't touch me."
He thinks for a second.
"Shit. How am I going to get you out then?" He mumbles.
"What? Were you going to fucking pull me out of the void?


I laugh in his face. Nothing is really funny. But I can't stop. It's not a funny laughter, it's sounds forced, but I can't stop laughing.
He looks at me like I'm crazy again. If he does that one more time, I'll snap his neck...well not really, he's not here physically so I can't do it...


"Um, anyways, I've been studying on voids and hopefully I'll be able to get you out of here soon." He says quickly, almost as if he's trying to change the subject.
"Ha! I highly fucking doubt it, fat boy. You'll probably just fuck up and end up getting yourself stuck here or you'll make me suffer here forever." I say bitterly.
He frowns. "Gee Kyle, you seem to be just a ball of fucking sunshine today. You can't even thank me for trying to help. No. Not even a simple, thank you Eric, even though there's a chance this won't work, I know you're trying your damn best to help me. I'm trying my fucking best to help you, and all you can do is sit here and insult me! Fuck you! I don't need to help you, but I'm going out of my way to try to save your fucking life because YOU MEAN THAT FUCKING MUCH TO ME! YOU ARE THAT IMPORTANT IN MY LIFE AND YOU WON'T EVEN ACKNOWLEDGE THAT I'M TRYING MY BEST!" He yells, on the verge of tears.
I stare at him for a moment. Was he seriously that upset? Did I really hurt him that bad? I looked down, feeling guilty.
Cartman sighs.
"Whatever, it doesn't matter. Bye." He says, fading away as he woke up.
I laugh to myself. Nothing is funny, it just makes me feel better. I laugh louder. My laughter turns hysterical. I start crying.
It's not funny. I may have just ruined my one chance to get out of here. I can't stop laughing.


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