Chapter 4: Doing Activities

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A/N: Angelica's picture up there ^^^^^  (sorry if she doesn't really look like a teen... XD)

''Ugh! Keep yourself away from Joshua.'' Angelica says and flicks her hair to the side 

''Then why do you have to slap me little girl?'' Grace says and smirks

''Ugh! Excuse me?!?!?! Do you even know who I am?'' Angelica says and gives her a ''You're so dumb'' look

''Oh, of course I do! You're the girl who goes around and starts bullying people just because that person is with your ''man''. '' Grace says and gives her a fake smile 

''You little-'' Angelica says and decides to slap her again and raises her hand but Grace grabs it before she can slap her

''Oh, you poor thing. Not strong enough to handle yourself.'' Grace says and smiles bitterly

''You should be more careful next time little girl.'' Grace says and gives her another fake smile

''I can kick you out of this camp in no time. Hmph!'' Angelica says

''Or should I kick you out instead?'' Grace says each word dripping with bitterness

''EXCUSE ME?!?!?!?!'' Angelica screams in anger

''You're such a drama queen.'' Grace says and flips her hair over her shoulder and walks away

The boys stare at her in awe

''Guys, stop staring at me like that.'' Grace says

''Uh-Uh. Oh sorry about that.'' Lucas apologizes and rubs the back of his head

''Yeah us too.'' Justin says

''But, I'm pretty impressed that a little weakling can piss someone off like that.'' Liam says and smirks

''Oh, that? That was really nothing. I can do that to you anytime.'' Grace says

''Ouch. Why you so bitter?'' Chase asks and pouts like a little puppy

''Awww, look at you. Looking so hopeless. Too bad it won't work for me.'' Grace says and gets a plate and fills it up with all sorts of food

''You guys should get food too.'' Grace says and sits on an empty table and gobbles her food up

''Yo dude, she is totally a bad girl.'' Justin says and hits Lucas' arm playfully

''Yeah.'' Lucas says gets zoned out

''Hello?'' Chase asks and snaps in front of his face 

''Oh, sorry. I was just thinking about something.'' Lucas says

''What marrying her?'' Liam asks

''What the?!?!? No!'' Lucas says and blushes 

''Aww. But I can see it in your face.'' Justin says and smiles teasingly

''Shut up.'' Lucas snaps

''Fine.'' They all say

''Anyways, let's go get food! Isn't that why we're here?'' Chase says and starts to get food 

''Alright.'' Lucas says and gets food 

~~~Meanwhile in the group table~~~

''What took you guys so long?'' Grace asks

''Oh, it was nothing.'' Lucas says 

''Yeah. It was really nothing.'' Chase says

''Ok, suit yourselves.'' Grace says 

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