Chapter 5: I Feel Strange

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"Grace wake up!" Someone says 

"Give me 5 minutes" I say annoyed and put a pillow in front of my face 

"Get up or I'll tickle you." The person says and I immediately remove the pillow from my face and sit up opening my eyes looking around to see a smirking Justin. I scowl at him and throw the pillow at him. Hard.

"Ow!" He says and rubs his head that the pillow hit

"That's what you get." I say and stick my tongue out at him. And he rolls his eyes 

"Get dressed and we're going to go get breakfast" He says and walks out of the room and closes the door. Once I'm done, we walk to the dinning hall and eat breakfast together.

"Oh, hey Liam." Lucas says 

"Hey." He says and sits beside him and glances at me and talks to the guys. Ignoring my presence. So not rude. 

"Anyways, what are we gonna do?" I ask 

"Maybe we'll play cops and robbers in the mountains. It gives us good agility and experience." Chase says and shrugs. I look at him and say, "Huh. Never knew you had brains." I say and look at him. "Well, that's not all the things I know." He says and rolls his eyes. I laugh at him and go outside and breathe in the fresh air. I hear a noise in the bush. I turn to look at it and see nothing and hear nothing. Now that's suspicious. I hear a tiny whisper in the wind and I gasp when I feel a cold hand touch my shoulder. I turn around to see Liam. I sigh in relief.

"Liam, don't scare me like that." I say and shake my head 

"Sorry, I didn't know you were in the zone." He says 

"Yeah, whatever." I say 

"Why did you even get startled?" He asked

"I was hearing strange things." I say and look at him, and I see him looking back at me.

"Huh, Okay." He says and walks back inside.

"That was the first time we actually talked normally." I mumble and sigh .

Follow the sound of the wind's songgg

I gasp and look around but I don't hear anything. And frown and shrug. I walk back inside and sit at our table. "What took you so long?" Lucas asks 

"Just getting some air." 



"Alright rookies, we're going to be playing cops and robbers up there." Our team leader says and points to the Mountains. "Now I'm gonna be splitting you up into cops and robbers." He says and starts picking people. 

"Grace, you're one of the robbers." The team leader says and points to the robber team

"And Chase, Justin. You guys go with the cops, And Lucas and Liam,  go with the robbers." The team leader says and they walk to their teams. I high five Lucas and give Liam a small smile and we warm up.

Once it starts Lucas and I stay together, but Justin reaches for me, but I sidestep him and he hits a tree, I mumble a sorry and continue running. Lucas gets chased by Chase, but he falls into a puddle and Lucas and I reunite once again. We smile at each other and continue running. And Angelica gains on us, she almost grabs our hands but we dodge her and she trips over a tree root. She groans and gets up, glaring at us. We laugh and continue playing until we're the last ones standing. After a few minutes, we won. We high five and shake hands with the cops and laugh with Chase and Justin. And Angelica just glares at us and walks away like a sore loser. I look to the side and see Liam leaning on a tree and blending into shadows. I look for him for a while until Justin waves his hand in front of my face and I glare at him. He just smiles and sticks his tongue out. I roll my eyes and walk back to the camp. Once I get back, I hear the sound again. I walk towards the sound and gasp when the branches part so I can get through, once I get through, I see a secret cave and I see drawings on the walls. I continue walking and I see a magical orb floating in the middle of the space. Curiosity gets to me and I touch it, everything becomes white and I fall to the ground. 

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