Chapter 10: Who Are You?

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Grace's POV

I look around but I don't know where the person called me.


This time I look behind me and see a girl with super pale skin and violet eyes. I tilt my head to the side and examine her from the head to toe. My brain gets filled with so many questions I start to zone out.

Who is this this girl? How does she know me when I don't know her? Why is she here? How old is she? Why is she so pale? Why is she even talking to me? And since when did she come here? She definitely wasn't here in the beginning of camp. Why does she have a weird but powerful aura around her?

''Grace? Are you okay?'' Lucas asks me, bringing me out of my confused state

''U-uh. W-who are y-you?'' My eyes bore into hers, waiting for an answer

She clears her throat and looks around, feeling uncomfortable.

''Umm, follow me. We shall talk in private.'' She takes my hand without waiting for an answer and leads me through the people and we both settle inside the bathroom. Once we were both inside, she locks the door and looks at me with an emotion I couldn't comprehend.

''Well, I can feel your confused state. To help clear it up, I'm Violet. And believe it or not, I'm a witch.'' She looks at me with those violet eyes.

''A witch?''

''Yes. They are real. Just like how Vampires, Wolves, Fairies, Mermaids, Elves, and many more are real.''

''So you are saying that all the creatures that aren't supposed to be real, are real?''


''So it's possible that there is a werewolf, vampire, fairy, mermaid, or elf in this camp?''


''And they could create a war between the different supernaturals?''


''So we are all technically in danger?''



''Alright Grace, let me explain. I'm here because I need to teach you how to control your magic. I know what you are. And who you are. And what you could do and cause.'' She slowly says, letting it sink in my brain. My eyes widen as I ask her,

''I'm one of the supernaturals?''


''What?!? Then, what am I?'' I look at her with one of my eyebrows raised

''That is something I will reveal later on. But right now I will tell you not to trust anyone fully yet. Because we don't know who will come after you.''


''The coven.''

''What?! There's a whole coven protecting me?!''

''Yes. We need to keep you safe. It's our job and priority.''

''What if I'm not worth it?''

''The prophecy never lies, Grace.''

''I'm part of a prophecy?!?''


I huff and furrow my eyebrows and think. Why am I part of a prophecy? I'm a nobody who attends school and decided to go to a camp where I encountered a ball of something that I touched and then I suddenly have power of most of the elements. So am I a witch? Or am I something more?

''You are someone who has plenty of power. And I can sense it from miles away. You might want to put a spell that will cover it up so that supernaturals don't have to know that you are the prophecy everyone is talking about."

"If you don't put that spell up, you will be found and you will regret it. So let me do it for you.''

She suddenly brings a silver wooden stick decorated with detailed designs, which is most likely a wand and casts it over my head. And she says foreign words. Then suddenly a yellow light makes contact with my body and electricity flows through my veins causing me to gasp in surprise from that power that just surged through me.

She moves back from me and smiles, proud.

''Thank you, Violet.'' I smile at her

''The pleasure is mine. I will be here whenever you need me.''


Unknown POV

''Sir, we cannot sense her anymore.''

''What do you mean you can't sense her anymore?'' My voice booms through out the whole room causing the messenger to flinch

''S-sir, someone must've did something to conceal her from all the supernaturals.''

"Hmm...Try to find her again and once you do, take her to me. She will be my next Queen whether she likes it or not.''


Grace's POV

''That's it?'' I ask Violet

''Yes. Now call my name and I will be by your side.''

''Okay, thank you again, Violet.'' I smile and wave at her. And she does the same. Then suddenly she disappears out of sight in a second and I'm left alone in the room.

I unlock the girls bathroom and walk outside. But I'm greeted with a hard chest. I close my eyes waiting for the impact, but when I don't feel anything, I open my eyes to meet Lucas' eyes staring back at me with an emotion he's hiding. I look down to see his hand wrapped around my waist preventing me from falling to the ground.

I feel my face heat up and I look away shyly. He slowly lets go of me and smiles warmly. I feel my face getting warmer and playfully smack on his chest.

''Oh my gosh. Stop it.''

''Stop what?''

''Ugh, never mind.'' He just bursts out laughing. A smile slowly creeps to my face as he continues laughing. Once he calms down he asks,

''What did she want? Who was she? Why is she here?'' Lucas starts to throw questions at me but I zone out again, going deep in thought.

"I'm not sure if I'm allowed to say."


A/N: Alright! I finally published another chapter! Okay, I'm sorry once again if I publish late. And I'm sorry if there's any errors in my book. All my chapters aren't edited so......yeah. Anyways, hope you like it! Sorry if it's pretty short.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2019 ⏰

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