Part 1

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"Hey soldier! " her voice filled my body back with hope, "I suppose you would always need me" she smirked as I turned to face her.

"Nat!! " I instantly wrapped my arms around her waist, and pulled her into a hug, lifting her off her feet.

"Don't suffocate me in your excitement Rogers" she said, teasingly.

"Oh Nat! You have no idea how grateful I am to see you" I told her,  cupping her cheeks.

"Well, so am I" she replied with a smile, "now let me deal with things you never can take care of "

She pushed me aside, and started to work on the jail's security system. Yes, I did need you Nat, not only to hack the security, but also to remain sane.

After I left Bucky at Wakanda, loneliness was poisoning my mind. And only two people were the cure to this. Sam, my friend, closest after Bucky, and Natasha, my..

"Done" she said, snapping me out of my thoughts, "You should leave stuff for the experts " she winked.

"Of course" I said, with a smile, "Nat! I missed this side of yours" I caressed her cheek.

"Well, we are not in the middle of war anymore so" she said.

"Thanks" I finally said, I owed her, more then once.

"For what? " she asked, "For saving you? Or for being here? "

"For being there, always" I replied, and she understood, her smile filled my heart.

"I can never leave you alone" she said, "Now let's go before everyone gets alert. We gave to rescue our friends".

I nodded, and we headed inside. Having a skilled spy made things so much easier.

"I'll get Clint and tiny guy, you get Wanda and Sam" She said, looking  in the other direction, "good luck" she gave a quick kiss on my cheek and rushed away, and I smiled, following her advice.


"Seriously you guys suck at disguise" Natasha rolled her eyes as Sam and I came up with different ideas.

"Well, we are soldiers, not spies. Its your basic nature to disguise lady. Not ours" Sam said irritated.

"Yeah, whatever. So, you guys then have to do what I say" she said.

"Of course ma'am, have we ever disobeyed" Sam said sarcastically.

"Sam!! " I shut him, "Tell me Nat, whatever you say, is final"

Her smile was wide and so beautiful, my heart skipped a beat.

"I was thinking, I should dye my hair blonde, and.. " she started.

"No, no ways Nat. I love your hair, red like flames, and this hairstyle you have now, its so beautiful, its perfect, please don't change it" I said in one breath.

Sam and Natasha exchanged looks.

"What part of this is difficult to understand Rogers?! We are on a run, I cannot run around with these hair and go unnoticed " she said irritated.

"Sorry" I lowered my head. I never gave much thought before, but when she mentioned change, I was annoyed. I didn't even realize before that I loved her hairstyle so much. She looked so damn beautiful.

"So, I was saying, I'll cut and dye my hair blonde. And you, you should grow your hair and... Some beard" she finished.

Sam tried to hide his laugh, "Sorry man, beard" he started laughing out loud.

"Sam! Its not funny, so, you agree? " she asked.

"As Sam said, you are the master" I said.

"Great!! " she said, "Sam will you? " she narrowed her eyes.

"Of course" he said. No one can refuse her.

"But before I leave, lets decide which room is ours and which is yours. Yes, we get that you are a beautiful girl and we are two stupid messy men. But, we are two, so we need the bigger room, with the bigger bed. And I hate to admit, but I am already very annoyed at the fact that I would be sharing a bed with Steve. We should have gone for the bunker instead" Sam said.

"I don't mind the smaller room. Especially when I get to play with bed sharing jokes everyday" Natasha laughed.

"Natasha Romanoff, don't you dare!! " Sam was teased.

"Please tell me one of you sleeps at least half naked" she laughed, "Oh wait! Fully naked " she laughed harder as we got embarrassed, "I can't wait to tell Clint and Tony... " her beautiful laughter faded at the mention of Tony's name, and she got tears in her beautiful eyes.

Sam looked at me, and I nodded.

"I actually sleep without shirt. What the hell man!! " he said, trying to lighten the mood. She looked at him, but didn't laugh again.

"He hurt you too didn't he? " Sam wrapped his arm around her shoulder.

"No, I hurt him. Tony is innocent " she said. I sat beside her too, "We are in this together Nat. And I hurt him more".

"No, its not just your fault Steve. I knew the fact as much as you did". She said.

"It wasn't your secret to tell, Nat. Don't feel guilty" I said, trying to console her, "Its my fault, its all on me. Don't blame yourself "

"If only we could, anyways, what's done is done" she sighed.

"Nat! I want to apologize to Tony, but its too late, I don't know how to" I said.

"I have an idea for that" she smiled.

"This woman is a full package. Thank God she switched sides" Sam said.

She laughed, "I am always in the wrong business ".

"Are you now? " I asked.

"Time would tell" she replied teasingly, "So, shirtless huh?! " her chuckle filled the room.

"Stop with that!! " Sam said.

"Or? You know I'll kick your butt easily " she said.

"I give up, we have signed for constant humiliation" Sam said.

"No, you haven't " I said. Natasha looked at me surprised.

"You sleeping on the couch or floor doesn't tone the fun down. " she said still laughing.

"No, Nat! " I looked at her, "Sam and I aren't sharing the room, "You and I are" I finished.

This time Sam laughed and Natasha's mouth opened wide in shock.

Yeah, I know, I should be updating my other pending stories. But this plot came in my head and I couldn't refuse or wait. It would be a short story.
Do give your reviews.

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