Part 6

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I woke up to find Steve's on my chest. So cute. He is just so adorable. I brushed his hair with my fingers. With the grown hair and beard. He looked like a large teddy bear, whom I could cuddle all the time.

How I wish this time just stopped here. With Steve being with me, caring for me, making me feel so precious. How I wish Steve and I could cuddle each other for eternity.

But wishes never come true. Not mine at least. And whenever I get too happy. I loose everything.

The doorbell rang. And I quickly got out of bed. I didn't want to disturb my Stevie's adorable slumber.

But by the time I put my night how on and stepped out, Sam had already opened the door.

"Who is it, Sam? " I asked, and then my heart almost stopped.

"Natasha!! " Bruce's voice made me forget to breathe. He was alive? He was back? He came back after two long years?

"Bruce? " my legs were weak, my throat constricted, and my tears clouded my vision.

Sam left us alone, but I didn't want to be alone with him again. I didn't want to be vulnerable. He had hurt me, i the worst possible way.

"Nat, let me explain" he stepped ahead.

"No!! " I raised a hand, "Don't!! Its been too long".

"No Nat!! I was hulk for two years" he said, stepping forward again, and I stepped back, "I was on some other planet. Thor... Your recording brought me back. Nat!! I wasn't myself, he took over. " I stepped back again, breathless.

"Please Nat! " he grabbed my arms, "look in my eyes, I am telling the truth " he said.

I swallowed a heavy lump in my throat. Was this real? Was their hope after all?

"Bruce?!! You are actually back? " I asked, and he nodded. And the vulnerable me, threw my arms around him and hugged him, crying my heart out.



"I have to go" she said.

"I love him" she said.

"He's back, Steve. I can't believe it, he's actually back" she said.

"You can't go, Nat" I couldn't say.

"You should stay with me, forever" I couldn't say.

"I love you, Nat. You should be mine" I could never say.

All I did was listen to her. All I did was agree. All I ever did, was say yes to whatever she said.

She decided to leave. She decided to give him another chance. She believed what he said. She decided to leave me. She decided to end our happy together. She decided to tear my heart and take along. She decided to break my heart.

"Tell her" Sam yell at me, when she had gone with Bruce to get a new apartment, "You cannot let her go Steve. You love her madly".

"But she loves him" I said.

"She is stupid. She has always been stupid. You make her happy, Steve. She is never as happy as with you. Bruce can only hurt her. You are her right partner " Sam was extremely annoyed.

"I cannot force my love on her, Sam" I said.

"You should. When she told you to ask Sharon out, you should have said no, No, Natasha I want you, when she went to Bruce you could have stopped her, and you should stop her now. Learn to say 'No' Steve, for not your own, but for her sake. You deserve her, and she needs you. Don't let her go" he screamed.

I lowered my head, I couldn't say 'No' never to her. Because a no meant, fading of her charming smile, even if for sometime, and I cannot bear that sight.

She packed her stuff, and came to say goodbye to me.

How could you Nat? Whom would I share my bed with? My food with? My life with?

"I am, going " she said, unable to look into my eyes. I silently nodded.

"I'll keep in touch, I promise. We'll hang out often" she tried to make it even.

I couldn't look at her, I cannot let her see my tears.

She turned to leave, and Bruce held her hand. My heart ached. It burned. My throat constricted.

I wanted to hold her back. I wanted to kiss her, hug her, keep her with myself. But she wasn't mine. She never was, she never would be.

They reached the door, but she stopped, she turned. I quickly looked away, I cannot let her see my pain. But she left his hand. She rushed into my arms.

She flung her arms around my neck, tiptoeing, as she crashed on my chest.

"Steve!! I'll miss you" she said in a heavy voice. And I hugged her back, for one last time, I held her to never let go, I held her as if she was mine, I felt her. I closed my eyes, and dug my face into her neck. I held her very close, I held her tight.

We hugged like their was no tomorrow.

"Natasha! " Bruce's voice brought us back, "let's go" he took her arm, and pulled her away from my arms, away from me. And as she went, she kept turning to look at me, and this time, I couldn't hide my tears from her.

I hate Bruce😑
He just had to return.
What would happen now?
Will my cute romanogers be back?
Do give your reviews.

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