chapter 3 a Proposal

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Lithuania's P.O.V

"Of course. I would  love to." I said. " Sweet! Like, meet me at the coffee shop on the corner." he told me. So, I walked to the little coffee shop and Poland was sitting in a leather chair. There  was one across from him so I sat down in it. We ordered our drinks.

Poland ordered  a Mocha Blonde Roast with whipped cream, chcolate syrup, a pump of raspberry, cookie crumble, and white chocolate shavings. I ordered a hot chocolate with whipped cream, carmel syrup, a pump of espresso, and a mini hershey bar for stirring with. When our drinks came Poland got down to buissness.

" So, how are you? I brought you here  because I want to propose a little treaty. Now I all proposed it to russia. Now don't worry he won't hurt you. I want you to manafacture my clothes and guns. In return I will protect you from invaision. Sounds like a good deal,right?" he said/ asked. " Of course, it is. I just have to think about it." I said taking a sip of my hot chocolate. " Okay! You, like know where to call me." he cried as I walked away.

As I was walking, I felt an odd presence be hind me like i was being followed. As I turned around there staring  me in the face was Prussia. " Vhat are jou douing here?" he asked me. " Oh nothing. I just went out for some hot coco." i said holding out a take out cup.

" Oh okay. Do jou vant to hang out?" Prussia questioned " Sorry, I have to get home. Maybe tomorrow?" I suggested. " Oh Okay. Maybe. I'll call  jou," he said.


Here it is sorry about the tangents. Just had writers block now i'm back.

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