My name

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Ok so i'm scrolling through fanfictions. and all of a sudden this one catches my eye because it has my name in it.

I Didn't Know I was Pregnant: RussPruss

How can a man not know he was pregnant? With no weight gain, no cravings, and no symptoms. This is a true story of a man going into labor without knowing he was ever pregnant.

"You are so awesome!" Prussia continued to smile. It was turning out to be such a perfect day - he finally got off his lazy ass and moved in with his boyfriend Russia. And, maybe real soon, the Prussian would have the honor marrying the country. Ah, hopes and dreams, just the greatest things ever, right?

Russia chuckled. "My house is that nice, da? I'm glad you like it, bit cold though." Gilbert shrugged it off - he understood why Ivan didn't like snow, 'cause, you know, living somewhere warm would be the bomb!

But this is Russia's house, his land, how could I ever hate it, Gilbert thought, smiling more. Then he responded, "If the awesome me gets to live with you, then I sure as hell don't mind."

"Even if hell is cold?"

"Even then. Because, you know, I'm awesome like that."

Normally, Russia would have one of the Baltic brother's give the tours of his house, but the Russian made the acceptation; just for Prussia, though. He led his boyfriend all over his house, pointing out all the necessary things he would need to remember, and then some.

"Kesesesese," Gilbert laughed, "You're house is totally awesome. Totally better than Luddy's basement - that place is just totally unawesome." Russia chuckled along with him, believing every word. Then again, compared to basements, practically every place is better.

For the remainder of the day, to two unpacked most of Prussia's things, setting the newly empty boxes outside the door for someone to take. With that, they ate dinner (made by Lithuania) and went to bed.

But Prussia's sleep was anything but restful. He kept tossing and turning, waking Russia up repeatedly. Trying to be nice, the Prussian offered to sleep on the floor and, without waiting for a reply, did just that. However, even if he was on the floor now, he still did not get much rest. Gilbert's back hurt like hell, random sparks of pain kept shooting up his back, and the hard wood floor he was laying on didn't help. Even though lying on the bed probably wouldn't have helped much either.

The pain kept increasing, but, surprisingly, Prussia kept it all in. Being the 'awesome' boyfriend he is, he decided not to wake up Ivan again. Even if it really, really, really hurt. He was a man - the awesome nation of Prussia! He had been through way worse… but the more the pain increased, the more he doubted that he had been through worse.

And then the pain dulled some as Prussia felt something leave him. He didn't dare uncover whatever was there, wanting whatever just happened to stay in the blankets - and hopefully shut up. After going through horrible, soul crushing, deadly pain, the last thing Gilbert wanted to hear was something screaming its head off.

Russia instantly sat up as he heard the shriek. "Prussia," he called out, blinded by the darkness, impatiently waiting for his eyes to adjust. When they did, the Russian saw his boyfriend on the floor staring down at it… no, Gilbert wasn't staring at the floor; he was staring at what was on the floor. "Prussia?" The Prussian's head snapped up and stared at Russia and… Russia had never, ever, seen the expression Prussia now wore on his face. He was scared, like the laws of physics didn't exist any more, but at the same time, Gilbert was happy, like he was a real nation again. What was causing these conflicting emotions?

Cautiously, Ivan leaned over the bed to see the thing lying on the floor. In surprise, the Russian started to ask, "C-Сделал…" before Prussia nodded his head, affirming the Russian's suspicions. "Ребенка ... нашего ребенка." Russia smiled - yes, he liked that idea…

…the idea of him and Gilbert having a child.

Arabella Василиса Braginski had always hated school - it's like, who didn't? It was school. The worst part of school was that one kid who made fun of her laugh. So she didn't laugh "hahaha," what was the bid deal? "Kokeke" was not weird at all - it was a normal laugh! More normal then "kolkolkol" and "kesese" at least.

Currently, Arabella was grocery shopping with her Mutti and пaпa when she saw that kid - yes, the kid that always bothered her about her laugh. Quickly, she hid behind her Mutti. "Arabella," he asked, surprised. She didn't bother looking at him - she kept her eyes on that kid. Gilbert followed her line of sight and smirked. "Got an awesome crush, do we?"

Arabella flushed and snapped, "I hate him, Mutti." Of course, now that she had spoken, the kid noticed her.

"Oi, weird-laugh," the boy called out, "C'mere."

Prussia frowned. "'Weird-laugh'," he repeated. "You don't have a weird laugh."

Calling back, Arabella said, "I don't have an odd laugh - that's all in your unawesome head, da?"

"Bite my ass," was the reply.

Before either country could step in and beat the kid up, the girl was quick to say, "No, I'll leave that job to your boyfriend." Both men froze, then turned to see their daughter smiling triumphantly as the kid that had been tormenting her turn and walk away. She looked at both of them and suggested to keep shopping.

Later that night, Russia and Prussia were conversing about the event. "What a clever reply, da," Russia put in.

Prussia smirked and said, "She got that from the awesome me."

A/N: Haha, I failed at this. I know I did. Translations: 'D-Did...' 'Child... our child' and 'papa.' You pronounce the middle name 'vahsahLEEsah' just so you know... And, um, I feel like I just cheated on my PruCan... Sorry for the late update, but this was difficult to write (mostly because this pairing freaks me out; no offense to anybody - naturally - and I really hope I didn't disappoint, but...). Don't you jsut love Winter Break, though? Two weeks off of school! :)  -this is the person's writing

P.S. the dude I said was hot is gay i'm super sad. Plus anyway he is like 21. so yeah.

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