Chapter 2

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Sonic and Tails got home at 3:00

"Thanks for saving me. And how was school?" Tails asked
"Other than fighting with Shadow, I think it was fine, and no problem ^^" she said while taking off her necklace.
Tails looked at it with curiosity.

"When did you get that?" he asked, while pointing at her necklace.
"I got this before I moved..." she said, sadly.
"Who gave it to you?"
Sonic looked at him with sad eyes
"Listen, can we talk about this some other time?" she asked
Tails realised that he must have hit a soft spot

Sonic went up into her temporary room
She layed down on her bed, and held her necklace in her hands
On it, there was half a heart, that read
Sonic's mother yelled
"Hurry up! We have a long trip ahead of us"
Sonic had already said goodbye to Tails
Right before she went in to her mother's car, a hand pulled her back out
It was her friend
"Here" he said, holding out a necklace
She looked at it, and it said
"Mine has the other half of it. I will always wear it until we meet again someday" he said, as he put it around his neck.
They hugged each other, and Sonic hopped into the car
She leaned against the car window, and was crying as she left for her new home
*End of Flashback*

She put her hands on her face
"Even though I was young, I knew, and still know he is the one" she said to herself.
"I just wonder if he is still wearing it today"
Tails came up into her room, to find her crying on her bed.
"Aww, I didn't mean to make you upset" he said, while hugging her.
"It's ok little buddy" she said while hugging him back.
He let go and asked,
"Do you need anything?"
"No I'm ok, I might take a nap though" she said with a yawn.
"Alright, see ya later" he said, as he closed her bedroom door.
She put her necklace onto the nightstand, then turned over and fell asleep.

2 hours later
Sonic woke up, feeling better.
She turned back over, and stretched.
Then, she went to grab her necklace that was on her nightstand, but couldn't find it

She immediately sat up
After looking through the room in every spot she could think of, she quickly ran downstairs to find Tails.
She saw him sitting in the living room with her necklace
"What are you doing!" she yelled
Tails jumped when he heard her
"Oh, sorry Sonic, I just wanted to clean it for you" he said, while handing over the shining necklace
"Wow, it actually looks like new" she said, while inspecting it
"I read it...." he started
"And?" she asked with an eyebrow raised
"Oh come on Sonic, can you please tell me?" he asked
Sonic knew that he wasn't going to give up
"Alright...." she said, while sitting down next to him
After explaining the story, Tails nodded understandingly
"Now I see why you want to keep it"

She was happy that she had a friend like Tails
He supported anything you do, unless it was dumb, and he did not hurt anyone's feelings
"Uh, I also forgot to mention something earlier" Tails said, as he rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment
"What is it?" Sonic said, as she hooked the necklace back on, and tucked it into her shirt
"You know Shadow?"
"He lives next door"
Sonic facepalmed at that
"ARE YOU SERIOUS?!" she yelled angrily
He quickly rolled up into a ball, his tails covering him for protection
Sonic realised she was scaring him
"Ugh, sorry Tails, I didn't mean to snap at you..." she said in a calmer voice
"It's ok..... But, I just thought I should warn you" he said sheepishly
"That's just great" she said sarcastically, while going downstairs
She looked around for something to do
"Hey Tails, can I use your treadmill?" she asked
"Sure, since when do you work out?" he asked
"Obviously I've changed a lot since the last time I was here" she said with a laugh
She went upstairs and into her room

2 minutes later
Sonic came back downstairs in black shorts and a white tank top
She then turned on the treadmill, and ran for a long time
Somepoint later p:
Sonic finally stopped running, because she got tired
She went back upstairs, and saw that all of the lights were off, and Tails was no where to be found
Sonic looked out of a window, and saw that it was nighttime
*sweatdrop* "I guess I was running for a REALLY long time"
After, she went into her room, got dressed at went to sleep
Tuesday Morning
Tails walked into her room
"Wake up Sonic!" he yelled
Sonic immediately sat up
She rubbed her eyes
"I never thought you would get off of that treadmill! Guess you love running as much as you did when we were younger" he said happily
"Yea, I will always love to run" she said with a smile
Tails left the room, and Sonic got dressed
She looked at her necklace one last time, and tucked it in her shirt
When she walked downstairs, Tails said
He handed her a plate of eggs, toast and some bacon
"YOU can cook now?" she asked, in a surprised tone
"Yep!" he said proudly
After her breakfast, she walked down the drive way with Tails
"See you at school!" she yelled, as he was driven away
Sonic started to jog, when a black figure came up behind her
"Oh brother...." she said to herself

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