Chapter 4

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(A/N: It's getting interesting XD)

"Cool, I just moved here too" she said, while doing a backflip
"You want to come on?" she asked
"Sure" he said, as he got on the trampoline
Scourge started to jump at the same time as Sonic, so both would go equally high
Scrouge also did flips, landed on his back and occasionally tried to grab a branch off of a tree
"Hey Sonic!" Shadow greeted, as he walked over to the trampoline
"Hey Shadow, this is Scourge" she said, as she kept jumping with him
"Hey Shadow" Scourge greeted
"Can I come on?" he asked
"Sure" Sonic said
Shadow then jumped at the same height as the other's
"Anyone want to play popcorn?" Scourge asked
"Can I be the kernel?" Sonic asked, with a hand raised
"Sure, it's your trampoline"
"Actually it's Tails's trampoline, I live with him" she said, while curling into a ball
"Ready?" Shadow asked
"Ready!" she shouted
"1...2...3..!" Scourge directed
Both Scourge and Shadow jumped a little, and eventually got as high as they were before
Sonic was bouncing around as if she was in a pinball machine
"You can't pop me that easily!" she laughed
Suddenly, Scourge and Shadow had the same idea
They jumped up very high, and stomped on the trampoline, sending her flying out of the trampoline
"Whoa!" she yelled as she flew up on the air
She quickly uncurled, flipped and landed on her feet
Sonic then turned around
"Were you 2 TRYING to kill me?" she asked, as she tucked her necklace back into her shirt, hiding it once again from view
She then looked back up at them
Shadow was looking at her barely hidden necklace, Scourge just looked at her
"I didn't know you could do that" Scourge said in a small voice
"What, land on my feet?" she asked with an amused tone
"I meant you have quick reactions" he said
Sonic then looked at Shadow, who's eyes were wide
"What are you looking at?" she asked
"Your necklace...." he said, as his voice trailed off
He quickly jumped off of the trampoline and ran into his house
*sweat drop* "What was that all about?" Scourge asked
"I..... have no idea...." she responded
"Anyway, I have to finish unpacking some of my things, so see you tomorrow, at school"
"Bye Scourge!" she shouted, as he ran back to his house
"He can ran fast too? At least I have some more competition" she said to herself, with a smile
She then walked to the back entrance of Tails's house
But, she stopped, and looked back at Shadow's house
"I wonder what's wrong with him" she thought to herself
As soon as she went inside, she heard the front door slam
"Hey Tails!" she greeted
"Hey Sonic, anything interesting happen while I was gone?" he asked
"Nah, just a green hedgehog move across the street, his name is Scourge" she replied
"Cool, he came over and you hung out?" he asked
"Yea..." she said, not wanting to tell him that she had let Shadow come over too

Next Day
Sonic did her regular routine, Tails waking her up, her getting dressed, putting on her necklace, and eating breakfast
"Thank goodness today's Friday" Sonic said, as they were walking down the driveway
"I know, School just started this week, and Im already sick of going!" Tails laughed
Sonic waved at Tails as he got on his bus, and she headed for school
Shadow ran up to her as usual
"Hey" he greeted
"Hey" she greeted back
Scourge came running out of his house, and ran right into Sonic
They both fell to the floor
"Ah!" Scourge shouted, as he realised he fell on top of Sonic
Sonic blushed lightly
"Sorry about that, I wasn't looking where I was going" he said sheepishly as he stood up
"That's ok" she said, as he helped her up
"Me and Shadow are jogging to school, like we do every morning. You want to come along?" she asked
Shadow just crossed his arms, and waited for an answer
He hesitated, because of the cold look he was recieving from Shadow but said
Scourge knew that Shadow was mad, but his expression on the outside did not change
Shadow walked on the left, Sonic in the middle, and Scourge on the right
As they were running, she glanced at both of them
She suddenly stopped, letting the 2 hedgehogs run together
Shadow and Scourge looked back in surprise, then at each other
They both had a competitave look on their faces
Before she knew it, Sonic was alone, because the other 2 hedgehogs raced to school
"At least they are doing something togther.... because I saw that look they gave each other" she said to herself

At school
Sonic walked into the classroom with Tails
They continued to talk as they sat down
"You don't think it's weird, or a coincidence?" he asked
"I don't know! I do think it's weird that-"
Both Sonic and Tails glanced at Shadow, who had his ear pointed towards them
"Nosy, much?" she asked
Shadow noticed she was talking to him, and blushed a little
It was barely noticeable, but Sonic did see it
She quickly turned towards her desk and asked
"Is that a blush?" to herself, knowing Shadow had heard her
But, he didn't answer
*Ring* went the bell
The teacher came in, and did his normal routine
"Ugh, I just want to get out of here." she said to herself, as she put her head down onto her desk.

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