Chapter 5

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*Ring* went the bell
"Half the school day is gone, Im sure you can make it to last period" Tails said, while seperating from Sonic
"Yea, maybe -.-" she said, while heading to the gym
She walked into the gym, and quickly walked to the top of the bleachers, and sat down
"Why am I so tired?" she asked herself, as she put her face in her hands
"You ok?" a voice asked
She took her hands off of her face, to see green legs
"Yea, Im fine Scourge" she said
"How'd you know it was me?" he said in a playful tone, as he sat next to her
"Your the only person I know in this school that is green" she said in a tired, but playful tone
She jumped a little when he put his arm around her
"You look really tired, what happened?" he asked
"I.. don't know... Im just tired for no reason really" she said
"You can lean on me if you need to" he said
Sonic took that offer, and put her head in the crook of his neck
At first, Sonic only took it because she was tired, but now.... she liked the feeling of being so close to him
She ended up taking a nap like that
"Your really cute when your asleep" he whispered
The bell rang about 30 minutes later
Which startled Sonic, as she woke up
"You fell asleep" Scourge said with a laugh
"Heh, sorry about that. But, we should get to class" she said, while running out of the gym with him

She quickly returned to class, to find Shadow with his head down, and Tails looking surprised at her
"Where were you this time?" he asked
"As always, I was in the gym...." Sonic said
Tails motioned her to come closer to him
She leaned over, and put her ear high in the air
"What were you doing in there? Because I saw Shadow go in fine, and come out with a sad expression" he whispered very lightly
"Really?" she whispered back
She then sat up straight once again, and whispered
"You ok?" to herself
Shadow did not respond
"Come on Shads, I know you can hear me" she whispered again
Shadow's ear went up, when he heard the new name she called him
*sigh* "Whatever..." she whispered
Shadow leaned a little to the left, to look over her shoulder to see what she was doing
Sonic had pulled her necklace from its hiding place, and was playing with it in her hands
After twirling it around for a bit, she finally let it drop onto her shirt
It was the first time Shadow saw her let the necklace hang from her neck, down onto her shirt, instead of in it
*Ring* went the bell
Sonic didn't even bother to hide it again, as she went through the door, not even waiting for Tails

When she was outside of the school, she started to run home
"I found 2 guys that I like, and being faithful to the other person who owns the other half of this heart is getting hard" she said out loud, holding the heart in her hand as she ran home
Instead of going inside, layed down on the trampoline
She liked how the net around it made a pretend shield for her
Seconds later, she heard both Scourge and Shadow calling for her
Instead of looking up, she layed flat on the trampoline
She could hear them in the distance
"Look, I know your new here, but stay away from Sonic, alright?!" Shadow yelled
"I heard you went out with every other girl in the school! She is just another target to you isn't she?!" Scourge yelled
"It's not like that!" Shadow yelled
Sonic did not like hearing them fight
She quickly jumped off of the trampoline, and ran inside
Both Shadow and Scourge saw her run
"Now you've done it!" Shadow yelled
"Me?! Your the one that's shouting at me!" he yelled
Sonic just sat in the living room, and crossed her arms
She then looked at her necklace
"Yea, definately getting hard"

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