Regret is what you felt looking at that hairline

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Penny's pov

After finally getting off Ryder's drag- i mean motorbike. I slowly take a few step towards my front door and turn back towards Ryder.

"Um...thanks for the ride" i say looking down at my feet.

"Anytime pencil" he relpies smirking.

"Well i guess i should go in huh?"

Ryder looks at me with a face full of confusion "um i think so...unless you want to just stand outside your door all day"

Little does he know. I really do.

I let out an exaggrated laugh and slowly turn around. I get out my keys as quietly as i can and enter it into the key hole.

"20 years later" Ryder says stifiling a laugh.

"Okay shuupp" i say under my breath

I carefully turn my keys in attempt to make no noise but that kind of fails when Ryder decides to rev his engine.

"DANG NAMMIT" i shout hearing my lovely father's footsteps heading towards the door.

"Shoo" i exclaim hoping Ryder would leave as soon as possible.

Luckily he got the very obvious message and leaves just a second after my dad opens the door.

"Welcome home sweetie" my dad says grinning, his missing teeth on display.

"Hi dad" i said nervously smiling.

I took a step foward into the house just to find myself on the floor with my hand on my left cheek that seemed to be on fire.

"Did i say you can come in?" he sneers looking down at me maliciously.

"No sir" i say my eyes brimming with tears.

"Get up now"

I rush to my feet so as to not anger him anymore than he already was but either way that wouldn't stop him from using me as a punch bag.

Cliche i know.

"Now get inside and sit on the sofa before i make you regret you was ever born"

I make my way inside as i mutter under my breath "regret is what you felt after seeing that hairline"

Next thing i know i find myself on the floor once again. This time due to a kick from the back.

My mum always said i pretty much ask for it and that i never know when to shut my mouth. She does try to help me but that just leads to her being beat as well. Apparently she'd rather me get beaten up than her and honestly i feel the same way. My mother is a skinny little thing. She can't take beatings like i can but i do hate it when she blames me for my father constant hitting.

"Who is he?" he growls.

I knew whatever answer i gave him would have a puch at the end of it so i refrain from saying anything.

"I said WHO IS HE?" i cringe as his spit sprays my face.

"No one...h-he- he was just giving me a ride home" i say already on the verge of tears.

"No one? No one?" he repeats, chuckling darkly.

I brace myself for the impact of his fist on my face only to feel him puch my stomach instead. I hiss in pain and close my eyes imagining i was anywhere else but here.

"Get to your room now" he shouts.

I hurriedly ran up the stairs before he changes his mind. Just before i close my bedroom door i hear him shout.

"don't even think about coming down for dinner you rat".

I close my door not forgetting to lock it and let my back slide down it until i was sitting down on the floor with my knees close to my face as i hugged myself. I let out a ragged sigh and let the darkness consume me.

Author's note:
So that was a super sad chapter...sorry about that. I promise the next chapter will be happier. Enjoy!

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