Peaches and Crème

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"I believe we have found our mate brother..." Klaus spoke.

"Yes indeed, I have nothing but a need for the sweet taste of her blood." Spencer growled at the sight of another man stroking her hair. As well as her taking pleasure in it.

"Shall we rip that man to shreds?" Klaus questioned noticing Spencer's enraged appearance. There were only to people in the café, their mate and a dead man.

They both used vampire super speed to get into the café, Spencer then rip the man of his unclaimed mate feeling the anger course through is blood.

Bearing his canines he bit into the mans next and drank him dry. Repeatedly punching the man Klaus then stepped in.

"That's quite enough brother, the poor man has been dead for awhile."

Klaus glanced over to his new mate taking in some of her appearance.

She was graced with beautiful dark skin, and cocoa brown eyes, that were at the time filled with fear. She didn't have much up-top-, or down.

Shit I mean ass is still ass. Klaus thought.

"Holy sugar honey ice tea." She whispered as Spencer turned to her with deep red eyes and a bloodied mouth.

she'll do.

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