salt & caramel

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"That shouldn't have taken a hour" Spencer groaned rubbing his face.

"What'd I say." I said stretching out in the car. It was about 7:00pm when we pulled back into the huge house. There was already a car in the driveway. I furrowed my eyebrows. "Who's here?" I asked.

"Our sister."

"What! Your sister's here and you didn't even tell me! I cant meet her I look like shit!"

"You look gorgeous darling." Klaus grinned.

I rolled my eyes and got out the car. I walked in behind Spencer,

"Is she here? Where is she?" I heard a very excited voice say.

"Sister, calm yourself-" But before Spencer could finish I was caught in a bone crushing hug... literally.

But she was crying and I didn't want to interrupt her... even though I couldn't breath.

"That enough! Please don't break my mate." Spencer said sternly pulling her off of me. I let out a huge breath that I knew I was holding.

"Oh right your, human. Sorry about that." She said wiping her tears. She was beautiful she has dirty blonde hair like Klaus' but the same facial structure as Spencer. "I just want to thank you, you're about to save my daughters life tomorrow."

"Oh it's no problem really." I shrugged.

"You should be thankful Annabeth." Klaus scolded showing his fangs.

Annabeth rolled her eyes, "Oh please brother you still haven't gotten over last year?"

"What, do you mean I still haven't got over last year." Klaus roared his eye blearing red. I just looked back in fourth completely confused. Spencer sighed and rubbed his face. I could feel Klaus' anger radiating off of him. I needed to do something before things got worse.

I didn't know how to handle an angry freaking vampire. What was I supposed to do?

Before I could do anything Klaus used his vampire speed and was upstairs- the door slamming.

Annabeth sighed and ran her hand through her hair.

I gave her a forced smile, "I should probably- y'know, check on him..." Spencer looked at me with a hard face, shaking his head. I ignored it and went upstairs.

I cracked the door to his bedroom, "Klaus?" I whispered walking in. His neck snapped so hard I thought it would break. He growled at me and I flinched back. "Hey, it's okay, it's just me." I said.

What the fuck am I doing?

His eyes softened. "Sorry." he mumbled sitting down on his bed putting his beautiful face in his hands.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I asked sitting down next to him.

"She killed one of my bestfriends... because she thought he was a match for her daughter. She killed him."

My heart sank, you could tell his friend meant a lot to him. "I'm so sorry."

He stood up, and so did I. "If you don't like her. Than I dont like her either."

He grinned and looked me in my eyes.

Should I go for it?

Hell yeah.

I quickly grabbed his face and smashed my lips into his. His hands instantly went to my hips, he started dominating the kiss causing me to moan into his mouth, I felt his bulge pressing against me. It felt way better than a kiss ever should. I felt sparks all over my body and heat rising in my stomach.

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