Chapter Five

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*Riley's POV*

When I got home I went straight to my room, I was in such a strange place right now. How could I even picture Harry? Or even think about him kissing me? I don't want to think about that, because it was nothing, it was a stupid, stupid thing for him to do.

I fell on my bed and screamed into my pillow to release whatever emotion was on the surface, because really what else am I supposed to do? Josh is out of town and I don't have friends here, plus my mind is too full of thoughts of Josh, Bradie and Harry I can't concentrate on anything else. I screamed again, hoping to releive some part of me but nothing, not a thing. How  do people do this? Deal with the guys in their life because I don't know how, I used to get guys who didn't even give me a second look and now I have two practically begging for me to be with them, and the other one as my sex buddie, how is this normal? 

I turned over so I laid on my back and stared at the ceiling, hoping for some inspiration what so ever, but it seemed when I needed my brain the most it wasn't here. I guess I shouldn't always count on my brain for problems, especially like this.. 

I rolled over to my side and picked up my phone from the night stand, I unlocked it and scrolled through my contacts and clicked on Josh's name. I pressed it to my ear and waited for the answer, listening to the rings as I did so.

"Hello" Josh's friendly voice said.

"Hi Josh" I said softly. Now that he's on the other end of the line I don't want him to know what happened. 

"What's wrong?" Josh asked, his voice changing suddenly. Should I tell him? 

"I had a small um accident" I but my lip. "I kind of kissed this guy, well he kissed me, but when I pulled away I saw someone else, it was like I was kissing the other guy but I wasn't"  I explained and I had no idea why I chose to confide in him.

"Who was this guy?" he asked me curiously, but it didn't seem like he was hurt or upset or jealous, just curious.

"Well I kissed Bradie, you know who I work with? But the other guy, that was um-Remember I told you I know Harry Styles? And I how I said he kissed me once? Well I saw Harry's face when I pulled away from Bradie. I don't know what to do Josh but I called you to see how busy you were" I finished not even letting him answer any of the questions I asked in that previous story.

"So you saw Harry's face after you kissed some other guy?" he asked and he sounded quite amused. 

"Josh!" I whined. "Can you just help me get my mind off things?" I heard his breath catch in his throat and I smiled to myself, now being the one who was amused.

"Er. What are we talking about here?" he questioned.

"A little phone sex maybe? C'mon Josh I need this" and even though I knew he was up for it, he laughed.

"You got some yesterday, someone is very needy lately. Maybe I should just bring you over and we can do it every night" I rolled my eyes at his comment but ignored it.

On the other end of the line I heard him mumble something to some people then a door opening and closing, signifying he went to an empty room. I heard a bed squeak from the impact, of him falling and I smiled. This is why I love him, and though he's not here I was happy I could do something with him. 


After the phone sex with Josh we both hung up and decided to just stay off the phone while we calmed down, and I'd have to say that was the best phone sex I've had in a long time. Everything he said made me feel like I was there with him and he was doing that exact thing to me, I loved how he did that, that's why we kept up the sex.

Getting Her Love Back 》h.s | o.d  {Sequel To BCWYWF} #2 ✅Where stories live. Discover now