Chapter Twentythree

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*Harry's POV*

I wasn't nervous to meet her parents. I should be, I don't know if they're different in the whole wish land or not, but from what I can remember I don't think I met them before the whole death. But again, I wasn't nervous. I should be, I'm the guy and her dad would surely be protective over her.

We walked up the steps and she knocked on the door. While we waited she took my hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. No one came to the door, so she knocked again, and this gave me a chance to look at her house. It was exactly like the wish world. 

Suddenly, the door opened and a lady who looked very much like Riley opened the door. She pulled her in tightly and 'bear' hugged her. Riley laughed at the hug and tried pulling away from her mum's death grip.

"It's been so long Riley" she exclaimed. "I haven't seen you since we visited you at the start of the year" 

"I know, I'm sorry things have been a bit hetic with school" her mum nodded at her explaination, her glance then drifted over to me, I saw her looking at me intensely, trying to place who I am. "Oh, mum this is Harry, his part of that band One Direction, but he used to go to school with me" 

"Oh yes, you're Anne's son. I remember you, you were a bit of trouble from what I heard" her mum looked at her daughter with curious eyes, and from that look I assumed Riley mentioned how much of a dick I was to her. 

"It's very nice to meet you Mrs Jones, I can assure you that I'm not that same boy anymore" I shook her hand and smiled polietly. 

"I'm still not sure on you Harry, but please do come in" she stood aside and Riley lead the way inside. "You're dads asleep he had a night shift so he won't be up until later" Riley nodded. "Would yous like a drink? Tea? Water?" 

"Tea thanks mum. Harry?" 

"A tea would be nice" I said awkwardly. All the nerves I didn't have, have come now and I was nervous.

Her mum walked off into the kitchen and Riley took me with her, she sat at the table and pulled me down next to her while her mum made teas in the kitchen. 

"Do I dare ask how you two met?" her mum asked while putting sugars into the mugs. "Sugar Harry?" 

"No thanks" she nodded and continued. 

"Well, I was at work and I was having a terrible day, everything bad was happening to me and to top it off Harry came in with his band and knocked me over spilling drinks on me" I grimanced at the picture, she was mad at me and I didn't know how to fix it. "Anyway, he wouldn't leave me alone after that, he kept apologising and telling me he had feelings for me" I was glad she was leaving out the wish,

"After a while he convinced me to hang out with him and I did, we got close after that and I really like him, he's so nice and caring, the best boyfriend I've had" I smiled and took her hand in mine, hearing her say nice things about me was just like a child recieving presents on Christmas morning.

"You told me you lost your job, how are you doing university and paying rent?" her mum asked and brought out mine and Riley's cuppa before going back for hers.

"Yeah, about that, you see-" she got cut off by none other then her sister who walked through the door with one of her friends.

"Oh my God! You're here!" she screamed. "Harry Styles is in my house!" her friend stood wide eyed and shocked looking at me, no matter how many times this happens I still never get over it,

"Hello" I smiled and waved to the two young girls.

"Stephanie! That's rude" her mum scolded and Stephie apologised. "We're having a conversation here" 

Getting Her Love Back 》h.s | o.d  {Sequel To BCWYWF} #2 ✅Where stories live. Discover now