Chapter Twentynine

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*Riley's POV*

Three months passed incredibly quick. Everything happened in a blur, the release of their album, Louis's birthday, our first Christmas and New Years. Now it was near the end of Januay and that meant both of our birthdays were fast approaching. This time also meant that we could tell people about the pregnancy, since nothing bad has happened yet.

I've had morning sickness halfway through the first month up until now and it's horrid. I've never liked being sick and morning sickness is something I hate and never want to experience again. Harry's been wonderful through that though. He's held my hair back and rubbed my back every morning. When I'd finish he'd kiss my temple and help me to the basin to freshen up, then giving me a proper kiss.

I had a feeling Louis and Eleanor may know about this anyway, considering they live with us and it's kind of obvious in how I've been acting. I haven't grown much in the past months, and I didn't know if that meant the baby would be extremely small or that it was positioned in a different way. Either way, I tried not to worry too much about it.

The media haven't found out about it yet, and I'm worried for the day they do. They haven't seemed to catch us making check ups to the doctors yet, thankfully. 

Now, Harry and I sat in an arm chair together with the rest of the band and their girlfriends looking at us expectantly. 

"Well, I guess I better get on with it" I straightened myself up on Harry's legs and he rubbed my back soothingly. "Um, Harry and I are having a baby" 

The room went quiet, I couldn't tell if the shock was good or bad. I bit my lip nervously and looked at each person in the room. Still no one said a word.

"I knew it" Louis finally said. "You've beed sick for the past two months" 

"Are you two sure this is a good idea?" Zayn asked, his girlfriend, Perrie, sat on the arm of the chair next to him. "I mean I'm happy and all, but this is big..." 

"We know. We're going to try and make it work" Harry spoke up. "We didn't plan this, but we're going through with it" 

"I'm with you mate, whenever you need help I'm here" Louis said. "El's here too, mostly for Riley" 

"Thanks" we responded to him. He nodded, we looked to the rest of the group, they still had to say something and I was getting even more worried each second that passed.

"Riley, I'm here for you okay. I think you two are both strong enough to pull through this" Niall spoke, I looked towards him and met his blue eyes. Those beautiful caring eyes. I knew I could count on him, he's been there for me a lot these past few months and besides Harry, I'd have to be closest to him. 

"Of course I'm in. I just think you two are crazy for doing this. I mean you're both nearly nineteen, you have so much more time. It'd be different for Louis and El-"

"Hey, just because I'm the oldest doesn't mean I'm ready to have a kid" Louis interrupted in a childlike tone. 

"Oh yes, sorry, I forgot you're still a child yourself" I rolled my eyes at the small banter that begun in front of us. At least the hassle of telling them was over with. 

"It's okay baby" Harry whispered into my ear and rubbed his hand up and down my back. "They're okay with it. We can do this" I turned to face him, I bowed my head so it was level with his and whispered.

"We can, and there's only six more months to go" we smiled at one another and kissed softly. Harry's hand softly snaked to the front and stayed on my stomach. It felt warm and comforting, I couldn't wait until I grew bigger, I wanted to be able to know for sure I was getting a healthy baby. 

Getting Her Love Back 》h.s | o.d  {Sequel To BCWYWF} #2 ✅Where stories live. Discover now