Chapter Six

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*Harry's POV*

I took a seat at one of the tables at the cafe that Riley works at. I was nervous to say the least. The past five days that were filled with interviews and small performances were also filled with thoughts of Riley, and Demi, when she called. I'm a terrible boyfriend.

As I waited for someone, hopefully Riley, to bring my order I took in the small cafe, it was a nice medium size sort of modern cafe and the food was nice.

My smile brightened as I saw none other then Riley, with her work uniform on and her beautiful straight hair tied back so it didn't get in her face, I also noticed it had grown longer then what I remember but looks beautiful nonetheless.

"Here's your drink" she smiled politely, but I could see a hint of anger and annoyance.

"Thank you" I smiled as I took the drink from her. "Do you think we could talk?" I asked and played with the straw in my glass. I felt her gaze on me and I was almost too scared to look up at her.

"About?" her voice filled with venom.

"Us, well not us really, about what happened. Please I haven't stopped thinking about you" I begged. She eyed me for second, thinking about what I meant, obviously she can't remember, or doesn't want to. That kiss meant so much to me, and she doesn't even know it.

"No" she said simply and turned to walk away. I internally groaned and got up, leaving my drink behind, and grabbed her arm. She immediately spun around and met my gaze. "Let me go Harry, don't make me scream" she threatened. I let her go, I didn't want to get kicked out of the damned place.

"Please Riley, I want to talk. Can't you remember what I told you six months ago?" Riley stood in front of me with her hands on her waist, glaring at me and it was tearing up my heart because she hates me but I love her. 

"Fine, we can talk" she said simply and walked off back behind the counter. 

Well that was easier said then done. I smiled triumphantly and sat back down. I was proud I finally got to speak to her and actually get to tell her all I felt, maybe I shouldn't actually say I love her now... I am with Demi after all, but surely she knows I must feel something for her if I won't let go..

After her shift, which was only another twenty minutes after she gave me my drink, she came up to me again. She didn't say anything, but the look said it all. I kept the smile to myself, and followed her.

We walked next to each other quietly and I just took this time to look at her, she was beautiful, she honestly was. I bit my lip as I looked at how she just seemed so confident in herself now, unlike highschool. Then she just walked around like it was nothing, but now she has the confidence she always wanted. But I never gave her the chance to then. I brought her down every single day an I regret that, I really do, because she's amazing. She can go so far.

"What do you want to talk about" she asked and sat down on a park bench, that I didn't even realise we came to. I shook my head to rid the thoughts of her past and focus on now. 

"I want to talk about what happened, the speech I gave you" I told her. 

"What was that again? The speech?" she questioned raising an eyebrow, she knew exactly what she was doing. She was pushing my buttons.

"Riley" I paused. "Well, something happened to me, and I don't know how it did, but it did. Last year I wished that I wasn't famous, and it came true. Somehow I convinced you to help me and after some time we managed to date. Sometime after I wished for my life back, it came true and I lost you Riley, and when I woke up, alone in my bed in London it broke me. But the thing that hurt the most was when I went to your house and told you this and you nearly shut the door on me, and when I kissed you, it took me back. But then you slammed the door in my face and-I couldn't believe" the look she gave me was one I was not familiar with, it was like she was speechless, and I didn't know what to say next.


*Riley's POV*

I didn't want to go out with Harry and here what he had to say, because what good would come out of that? Nothing. But after hearing that speech that he said to me six months ago, I couldn't be more wrong. He still remembered, not that I can, I have no idea what he's going on about, but the fact that he still remembers is astonishing, really it is. And how he keeps trying to get me to talk to him, any other guy would have given up.

"I-" what do I say? I don't know, I've never been in a situation like this, but this story sounds so unbelievable it makes me not want to believe it.

"I hope you know if I wasn't with Demi right now I'd kiss you" he informed me of something I didn't know, and the mention of him kissing me took me back to when he did actually kiss me, that was amazing, I swear I felt his lips lingering on mine for days.

"I have to go" I said suddenly and got up and ran away. I seem to do that a lot. I run from guys, I can't help it, they always say something nice and I run. Maybe my mind, somewhere in there, is telling me to, because it doesn't want to get hurt, like I did with Ryan. He really hurt me, it hurts more because he lied. He said those beautiful things to me then he goes around and sleeps with the next girl that throws themself at him. He never had good self  control, and why I thought I could possibly have a good relationship with him was still something I'm shocked at. Why? Why? Why?

As soon as I reached the door to my apartment I stopped running and tried to regulate my breathing once again. I mean I must have ran at least five blocks and I'm not the fittest person out there, so you can see my problem.

"Riley?" I turned around and there Josh was leaning against his car. He looked worried at the sight of me, but I smiled reassuring him I was fine. "What's wrong?" he asked.

"I-I talked to Harry, but then I ran from him. Josh why do I run from guys?" I asked sadly and ran up to him burrying my face into his chest, trying to make myself feel better, but I couldn't. There's no way I could.

"Let's go inside yeah?" I nodded and he lead me inside and to my apartment. I'm really glad I have him because let's face it, without Josh I would be lost, I need him in my life, whether it be my friend, my boyfriend, or my fuck buddy, I don't care, he's here for me and that's all that matters.


*Harry's POV*

She ran off. It took me a second to grab the fact she ran off from me after that speech. Did I say something wrong? Did I make her feel uncomfortable? What did I do wrong? Demi, was it because I mentioned Demi? God I'm such an idiot.

I got to my feet and ran off in the direction she ran off to. I could stil vaguely see her running away, her long brown hair trailing behind her. I felt some sort of pleasure as I found myself nearing her, I didn't realise how fit I actually was until now, but then again, maybe she's just not as fit...

I found myself getting closer and closer, and that was until she crossed the road and got taken out of sight by the crowd of people walking down the street. I mentally cursed at myself, but it should have been easy to see her running amongst the people, but it wasn't.

I still crossed the road and kept up my run while I searched for her. But as I past apartment building after apartment building I realised she must have entered one and I really didn't feel in the mood for a search of her. The only good thing that came out of today was the fact that I spoke to her and told her that I like her. I think, damnit I can't remember, that girl has got me whipped and she's not even mine. How can I show her my love when I can't even say it? One things for sure, I think my relationship is going to have to end.


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Getting Her Love Back 》h.s | o.d  {Sequel To BCWYWF} #2 ✅Where stories live. Discover now