Chapter Thirtyfive

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*Harry's POV*

The worst part about last night was definitely the fact Riley ran off to go drinking and God knows what else. I was mad also because a guy was coming on to her and the bartender had to stop it. Now, that reason was why I didn't want her to go out alone in the first place. 

She's been awake for a few hours now, and it's late. She slept most of the day and now she's out of bed and sitting next to me. 

"I don't understand why you did that" I shook my head. 

"I'm not a child Harry" she rolled her eyes. 

"No, you're not. But when I came in there the bartender was beating someone up because they were touching you"

"I lead him on Harry!" she yelled. "I-I kissed him, I don't know what compelled me to but I did"  I knew she did something of the sort, but it sucks, it really sucks when you hear the words. "I'm sorry Harry" she cried.

I didn't want to come off as I didn't want to be with her, I do, I still want to be with her. There is nothing else on this planet that I want more then here, but I was mad, and I think I deserve to be mad. 

"Harry" I turned to face her, she was already in tears. "Don't leave me" 

"I'm not going to leave you, but I'm not happy at the moment" I told her and go up.

"So, you're just going to walk away?" 

"I'm clearing my head. I just found out you cheated. I'm mad" I snapped. 

I started walking away from her when she got up and followed after me. 

"That's rich coming from you" she replied back. "Don't like when the tables are turned huh?" I frowned. I couldn't believe she brought that up.

"I never once cheated on anyone of the girls I dated. Just because I could get a girlfriend easy didn't mean I cheated on them" I replied, my voice cracking. "Cheating is the lowest thing someone can do" I immediately regretted those words.

"So I'm low? Because I cheated. You're unbelievable"

"Fucking hell, I didn't mean it like that" I ran a frustrated hand through my hair. 

"Yes you did. It's fine Harry, I cheated on you. Why should we hide it?" 

"You drive me insane" I told her through gritted teeth.

"Then why are we still together? Why haven't you left me and found some pop singer to fuck instead?" 

"That's a good question, but you want to know why? Because I fucking love you Riley. Whenever you're near me, I'm happy. I smile at the mention of your name. When I wake up with you next to me it brightens my moring. I can't live without you because the mere thought of you not being with me kills me." 

It was silent, none of us spoke after my speech, I could see her mind comprehending everything I just said. Before any of us could speak again, Riley's phone rung. 

She ignored it from where it sat in the living room, but I gestured to it, I let her answer it, I was over this conversation anyway.

Riley left and asnwered her phone, but when I didn't hear any response I knew something couldn't be right. I walked into the living room and saw Riley holding the phone to her ear with a hand clasped over her mouth. 

"Riley, what's wrong?" I asked her. She looked up at me with sad eyes and dropped her phone as she began to cry. 

I picked up her phone and held it up to my ear, whatever was going on didn't sound good.


"Harry?" a womens voice came through the line crying. 

"Yes, Mrs Jones, is everything okay?" 

"Riley's dad just died" was all she said before the phone line cut off.

I just looked at Riley, she was a sobbing mess. 

"I hate you! Ever since I met you bad things have happened to me! I was doing fine before you pushed your way into my life!" she yelled at me, and for the second time in twentyfour hours, she ran out of the house and into the car.

Only this time I was a lot more worried about her. She wasn't in the right mind to be driving, and the fact it's pouring with rain doesn't make the situation any better.

I ran out after her, calling out her name, only for that plan to faulter. She couldn't hear me over the heavy rain and it's not like I can follow her, Louis took the other car to go out with Eleanor and Liam and his date for a double date. 

"Shit" I cursed and walked back into the house.

I pulled out my phone and started calling anyone who could help me in this situation, but every number I dialled went straight to voicemail. This is going to be a long wait.

*Riley's POV*

There was no way I could be in that house with Harry any longer. It was true what I told him. Ever since I met him bad things happened. Losing the baby was one of those things, and it just seems to be worse each time. 

It was raining heavily tonight which made it near impossible to see out of the windsheild, and I was still crying. My eyes were already blurred by the tears that continued to roll down my cheeks, but I needed out. I needed to be away from him.

I hadn't planned on where I was going, but I did plan on driving until I was feeling better. Which could be hours for all I know. 

The drive hadn't felt that long until I started to head into the outskirts of London where there seemed to be of a foresty look then a city look. It couldn't have been long, I still felt the blow of the news of my dad's death, and the tears were still heavy in my eyes.

"Why!" I screamed and hit the wheel. I repeated the action over and over again. 

The sound of a car horn brought me back to reality, I looked in front of me, the car's headlights burning brightly, I couldn't see who was in the other car, but my reflexes kicked in and I swerved away from the oncoming car and the next thing I knew the car was turning on it's side and doing a barrel roll. When it stopped and landed on it's roof, I vaguely heard voices over the rain before everything went black.

A/N a horrible way to end I know but don't worry the next update shouldn't be too far away, and you'll find out what happens

Getting Her Love Back 》h.s | o.d  {Sequel To BCWYWF} #2 ✅Where stories live. Discover now