Chapter Ten

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*Riley's POV*

It's been a week since Harry invited myself and Stephie to go to Manchester with him and the band and now we were being picked up by Harry to take us to the jets.

I was a little nervous being in a car with him, I know he wouldn't say much or do anything especially while Stephie's in the car, besides she'll be asking him a ton of questions, so i'll be fine, right?

When a knock at the door came through my apartment Stephie hurried over to it and opened it enthusiastically. She screamed as soon as she caught sight of the curly haired lad on the other side and ill have to admit he did look pretty good. His attire was simple but simple was good on him, I learnt that from school. Even though I never liked him didn't mean I never thought he wasn't hot.

"Oh my god! It's you! It's really you!" Stephie continued to squeal. She wrapped her arms around him and he did the same back after the initial shock of someone hugging him.

"Yeah" was all he said. "How are you?" he asked. She replied with 'good' and he nodded then looked up to me for the first time since his arrival. He bit his bottom lip looking me up and down, in my opinion I didn't even look that nice; jeans and a sweat shirt. What's hot about that?

"Hi Harry" I smiled and pulled my bag over my shoulder.

"Hey" he said awkwardly.

Stephie looked between us, smirking as she eyed me, she walked towards the guest room to grab her bag, giving me a small nudge on the way.

"I'm glad you're coming" he told me.

"Yeah?" I questioned knowing fully well it was true.

He walked up to me and planted a kiss on my cheek. His lips were warm and soft and as much as I hate to admit it, I wish it wasn't on my cheek but rather my lips.

"Are you ready?" I nodded and he took my bag, with much hesitance. "Don't worry, I won't go through it" I forced a smile and looked down away from his piercing gaze.

Stephie returned from her room with a bag over her shoulder and looked at the two of us as if something happened.

Harry, being the obvious gentleman he is now, took Stephie's bag and lead us out to the car. I locked the door to my apartment and walked with Harry and Stephie, Harry bumping my hand with his a few times and tried to hide his smirk.

We reached his car and Harry put the bags in the boot, then opened the back passenger door for Stephie, then the front passenger door for me. I climbed in and looked in the rear view mirror to see Stephie smirking at me, I just glared at her but quickly stopped the second Harry came in.

"Ready to meet the others?" Harry asked mostly Stephie. She squealed, I just nodded. I didn't really care to be honest.

Harry started the car then took off to our destination.


When we arrived at where the jets were located I noticed four other boys as well as a few body guards.

Stephie was jumping up and down in her seat and Harry looked at me holding back a laugh, I couldn't help but laugh myself, at Stephie and Harry.

We got out the car and Harry continued to be lovely and grabbed our bags out, I insisted on carrying my bag and made Stephie take hers too.

Again as we walked Harry bumped hands with mine, I could tell he wanted to hold my hand but I wasn't going to let him, for one we're not together, and two I don't want to give the impression that we are. Besides I have a bigger plan up my sleeve to make him jealous.

Getting Her Love Back 》h.s | o.d  {Sequel To BCWYWF} #2 ✅Where stories live. Discover now