Bloody tears

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Of course Dipper couldn't know how wrong he was when he wandered through the dark shadows of the woods. He forced his sleepy body to take step after step, when a rustling sound in the bushes made him jump. His skittish, clumsy feet lead him backwards before he tripped over a root, landing on his white butt, his eyes never left the shivering leaves before him. Dipper swallowed before he scraped the last of his courage together, questioning into the dark forest in front of him.

"Hello, is someone there?" He bit his lips, taking a few breaths so that his chest puffed up a bit when he finally took a step towards the bush.

"If there is, you better know that I'm armed!" But Dipper's warning was returned by amused laughter, when a red pointed hat emerged from the leaves.

"Oh don't you worry fluff ball, it's just me, and I'm not up for deer today especially not such a young and scrawny one." The gnome eyed him, Dipper's pulse calmed down again.

"Jeff?" He asked, but the little man gave him a questioning look.

"Uh- Should I know you? Are you one of Uncle Lennert's flock?" The gnome suggested, making Dipper shake his head before he explained himself.

"What? No it's me, Dipper. Mabel's brother."

"Oh-OH!" The gnome's eyes grew."

"That's you! Last time I checked you we're just half a deer. Not making halfhearted compromises huh?" Jeff joked, examining Dipper as he rubbed his beard.

"Ha ha-" But the deer boy's sarcasm died when Jeff's face suddenly got pale, and looked like he had seen a ghost. Dipper's deer body became itchy all over.

"What?" But Jeff only gulped, biting his lips while he carefully stepped backwards.

"Seems like someone is up for deer today, I'd better be going, bye." He hurried, turning back to run as fast as he could with his short legs, calling out to Dipper again, before he vanished into the woods.

"And don't worry, I'll care for Mabel when you're gone." Dipper could feel his stomach drop.

"Why would you-" But a cold breath touched his neck before he was able to finish his question, the cruel voice echoed deep into his bones.

"Hello Dipper."

Dipper's eyes went wide, he turned around as best as he could to face the golden white hair. His image reflected itself in the sharp fangs.


A soft gasp escaped Dipper's muzzle and the small fawn carefully made a step backwards, away from the threateningly sharp teeth.

"But you're- Why?" A sneaky smile was all that answered his question, until the Vampire before him spoke up again, observing his sharp claws in an arrogant manner.

"I would say that it's thanks to your shrinking animal brain that you forgot about it, but since I knew you beforehand, your ignorant mind shouldn't surprise me at all."

"Hey!" But Gideon just snorted at his protest, scowling down on him so that Dipper finally realized how small his new body really was.

"So tell me Pines did you really forget how I became this?" He said, gesturing down on himself so that a switch in Dipper's mind finally clicked.

"A vampire..." The deer frowned, but the pale boy before him nodded.

"That's right. I'm not a victim of this silly curse, I was bitten by a real vampire." Dipper used his dramatic pause to intervene with a raised furry brow.

"Correct me, but didn't you beg him to do so?" Gideon's right eye twitched at the unpleased comment, but with a deep breath he held himself back, so as not to dig his clawed hands into Dipper's fur.

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