The end

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The cries of protest and anger died down in the throats of the citizens still captured in the water, even Stan's curse got quieted by the lump that was building in his throat when the little fawn that had a home in his heart began to glow.

Bills laughter vibrated in the air and got carried away with the wind spreading over the woods of Gravity Falls so that even the supernatural creatures far away hid themselves in their hideouts. Dippers bleats and desperate struggles ended with a snap of the demons finger and everything stood still.

"Dipper..." Mabel whispered in fear, when her gaze wandered to her brother's eyes.

The dark brown pupils were consumed by a golden glow which had no space for any emotions at all.

The demon only took a deep breath, inhaling the delicious fear radiating from the little girl below, before his eye drifted to his furry puppet.

"Good boy- now it's time to have some fun." He chuckled, lowering himself down to hover beside the fawn's ear with a murderous look before he pointed a black finger in Mabel's direction, guiding the deer's empty golden eyes upon her.

"And now...Kill her."


Stan shouted, trying to get free of the rivers grip along with Wendy and Soos, only for the handyman to lose his balance falling hands forward into the shore which glued his hands in place immediately.

"Mabel run! Get away from there, now!" The girl blinked, picking herself up from the ground with a frown.

"What but Grunkle Stan, that's Dipper he never would-" But when her eyes finally glanced back to her deer-ly brother, he had already lowered his head, snapping his teeth a bit before he started his attack.

"Yikes!" Mabel jumped, and stared to run away from Dipper as fast as she could, but the little deer was faster. Mabel cried out in pain when his antlers hit her back, making her fall face first into the dirt.

"Not cool bro bro!" She winced, her back ached but she would manage, but the nasty gash on the side of her cheek she gained burned and left something red trickle down her face. Mabel swallowed, turning around and jumping out of the fawns path before his head could collide with hers.

Bill's eye observed with glee as Mabel stumbled back on her feet to escape the fawn that raced after her, his golden empty eyes fixed on the little girl to fulfill his task.

"A little pathetic but all in all a fawntastic show! Don't you think so Shooting Star?" The demon chuckled, leaning back mid air to watch the show.

But Mabel didn't spare him a look, she could hear her blood rushing in her ears, Dipper had managed to corner her against a thick trunk of a tree.

"Dipper wait!" She rasped, desperately trying to reach her brother behind the golden glow, but the fawn already lowered his head again, ready to attack. Mabel closed her eyes out of reflex, holding her hands in front of her to shield herself from the mindless animal, then she waited for the impact, the pain, but the only thing she got hit with were two small stub-like things in the palms of her hands, the force wasn't strong enough to really damage anything.

The forest grew silent again, until the citizens of Gravity Falls began to cheer , while Stan had a smile on his face.

"Ha! Seems like you made a little mistake there nacho head!" He shouted in triumph, making Mabel blink before she carefully opened her eyes, never letting her grip loosen, only to see that she was holding Dipper's small antlers in her hands.

She had stopped him, forced him to stomp on the ground while he was throwing his body weight on her, unable to do much more with his little body.

"Of course... he's still a baby." Mabel registered in a soft voice, but the small deer only let out an angry bleat, trying harder to drive his antlers against her to finally gain a hit.

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