Chapter 3

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Do you remember the first day we kissed? I do. You were insanely drunk and high. It was at Johns house party. We were playing a game of "Spin the bottle", and it landed on you and some girl who, for the love of God, I can't remember her name or face at this moment. However, I do remember her words. "I dare you to kiss the guy across you". It was absurd. Then again, everyone was intoxicated including yourself and excluding myself. You crawled your way across, knocking the bottle away in the process, and pushing me onto my back. I could feel everyone's stare, the music continued to pound against the walls, however my ears could only hear your breathing against my lips. Your eyes were extremely red, from the weed, yet there was something that told me that you knew what you were doing. That you wanted this. Your hands clutched my collar and you pulled me, and with that, our lips collided. You had your eyes closed, but I had mine wide open. If it was a dream, at least I'd be able to say I was dreaming with my eyes open.

Thank you.


"Are those song lyrics?", Kate asked right after the lecture had ended. I had reread the words I had written and just nodded my head in disbelief. I've never heard or seen these words before.

"I'm not too sure, I haven't heard a song with these words before. Let's google it", I said as I took my phone out and started searching the words that were written in my notebook. We walked towards the coffee cafe with my book in one hand and phone in another. The results came up.

"So it is a song... Digging by Vanna? From the looks of it, they're not the typical music I'd listen to", I said as I looked up at Kate. She started biting her lip and her eyes screamed confusion when I showed her who the band was.

"They seem odd... they're hardcore punk? Well that's crazy because I know you'd never listen to such. Let's take a listen, maybe you heard it somewhere and now your mind is just reminiscing. We reached the café and I had open the door for Kate. Yeah, yeah I'm a gentleman I know. This café was our usual chilling spot on campus, especially if we didn't have a lecture for the next hour. We placed our orders and took a seat by the window.

"That's exactly what I just said", I shook my head and then played the song loud enough for both of us to hear. The café wasn't too busy, but the voices and laughs were obnoxious and loud. We ended up watching the music video on YouTube since it was the easiest way to gain access to the song. I placed the phone between us, as I sat in front of her.

As the song started, I could feel chills travelling up my spine. This was definitely something I'm not used to. Kate teases my emotionless physique to be that of 'emo', yet I've never listened to any bands that she constantly mentions. Yet, this song, had me sitting at the edge of my chair. After we had watched and listened to the song, I looked up at Kate and she looked up at me

"Wow", we said in unison. I knew she was shocked too, mainly because of the lyrics. It was crazy to think that I could have written something from this song, it was insane! I've never heard it.

"It can't be just a coincidence that I wrote it down. It's not just something that one can come up with", I said. The waitress came up to our table with my coffee and Kate's cheese and ham sandwich. She took a bite from it and nodded in agreement.

"You know what I think? I think it's a message from your mate. I mean isn't it weird that he randomly pitches up on campus? Not only that, but he dyed his hair blonde. You couldn't feel his presence even. I'm telling you it's all linked', she said and then began to gobble down her sandwich. Her words took their time to process and then I took a sip of my coffee. I chocked on it when I realised what she said.

"BLONDE? Why didn't you say anything before?", I screamed at her which made basically everyone look at us. I immediately regretted my tone as I looked at Kate. She wasn't guilty. She was smirking.

"Would you look at that? Damn. What happened to Mr Monotone? Mr Mate is making you speak in ways you've never spoken", she laughed, and I blushed furiously. I was shocked at that too. I've never raised my voice before, yet when it comes to speaking about him...

"Look, I'm sorry. I didn't think it was important. But let's get back to the topic. All weird things are connected", she said and then bent down to take off her heels. Her lectures were in the morning, so philosophy was her last one for the day. It's a wonder how she walked around campus the whole day wearing those heels.

"It's too early to be jumping to conclusions. The mate issue is in no way related to this. I feel like there's something else going on. Anyways, I should head off to English. I feel like I'm back in school, just with late classes. Remind me why I chose English as an elective?", I gulped down my warm coffee and took my bag.

"Because you wanna be a sexy ass English teacher for your sexy ass mate so that you can call him a nau – ", I ran as fast from her as I could before she could finish was she was saying. This girl will be the death of me.

I looked at the sky, and could see it was getting dark. Its nearly 4 pm, plus its winter so the air started getting a bit frosty. I couldn't help but think of what Kate said, but it was madness. It was far-fetched. We needed proof. I needed answers. I needed to talk to him. Yet there were words from the song that just stuck to me, someone give me a reason to stay. Fuck it, no one listens anyway. Again, I'm alone. For some reason, my heart ached at that. If my mate was listening to such... no. This was just a coincidence. I probably heard the song at some party, yeah that's it.

Before I knew it, I was standing infront of my class. Time to get over with this.

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