Chapter Ten

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I was always told to never mess with faith. I was told that the universe had something planned for me, that it was my destiny. I remember the way you laughed when I told you this. You said, "Well, the universe did plan something. Take off your shirt and lay on the bed, on your stomach." At first, I was sceptical. But then you had this teasing smirk, and fuck, I went weak for you. I did what I was told, and I expected to feel your lips against my skin. Instead, I felt something wet. A brush. I closed my eyes and let you have your way with my back. It must've been hours, because I woke up and was surrounded by darkness. You walked into the room, turned the light on and had the hugest smile on your face. You pushed your phone into my hands, and as I looked at the screen, my heart skipped many beats. I turned my neck, to take a look at my back, and sure enough, I could see the same colours painted against my shoulders as it was in the picture. "Your universe had led you to me, as a thank you I painted it on mine."

Thank you.


"I can't believe you guys left me with him! And on top of that, Kate, you covered up for him! Why didn't you just say that he was a stranger and that I was kidnapped or something?", I scolded Kate and John as we made our way to our next lecture. After I had showered, Arthur had laid some pjs on the bed for me to wear. I had to go commando, unfortunately. In the morning, he had left a hoodie of his on the bed, with a pair of sweats. I groaned as I wore them, the hoodie was big for me and so were the sweats. Luckily, I could tie it by the waist, so it didn't fall down. Arthur took me directly to school, silence filled the air and was only broken when I had thanked him. I didn't know what was wrong with him, I mean we were doing perfectly fine.

"I couldn't lie to them, you know how much they love me. Plus, don't act like you didn't enjoy being with him", she smirked, and John had let out a huge groan. Kate and I turned our heads to him and raised our eyebrows.

"Ya okay, bud?", Kate asked, and I couldn't help but notice that John had his teeth clenched and his hands were tightly secured around the straps of his bag. He refused to make eye contact with us and I couldn't help but feel a pang of rejection at my heart. Kate and I stopped and waited for John to notice. It took him a second, until he looked next to him, realising that he couldn't hear Kate or I talk. He walked back to us.

"Yeah, I am fine. It's Fabian that you should be worried about, Kate", he basically ignored my existence and that hurt me even more, "he smells like he had sex with a fucking pig". His last sentence shook me. I couldn't help but sniff myself, feeling tears on the verge of falling, and realised what he meant. I reeked of Arthur. It wasn't a bad smell at all, honestly. From the way he glared at me, finally acknowledging my existence, there was only one thing that could explain his words. He was jealous. I wasn't too sure, but I knew that John would never say things like this on purpose.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?", I heard Kates voice and was shocked to see that her next move was a slap to Johns face. He looked like he was about to kill her, anger taking over him and eyes began to turn red. I looked around and could see that we were gaining an audience. If John didn't calm down, he might have done something that he will truly regret. Humans couldn't know what we were. So I did the first thing that came to mind.

I kissed him.


The weekend had once again reached, which was what I needed. Kate and John had stopped talking to me. Arthur wasn't answering his calls, leaving me with his clothes. I couldn't understand what I had done to make them angry. I thought John would be happy that I kissed him, if anything it had made it worse. He had calmed down for a few seconds so that I could take him to the restroom, but as soon as we were in, he let out all his anger. Luckily, we were the only ones in it and the stalls were empty. The growl he let out was inhuman. It made me scared as fuck and I couldn't stop myself from crying. I remember his exact words to me, "Can't you let anyone live in peace? You're ruining me, and I don't want that anymore. Get out of my life. Faggot." The last word had really got to me. I had felt myself fall to the ground. A few minutes later, a guy with brown curlish hair had walked in and helped me get out. He was obviously of Arabian descent, telling from his skin tone and his accent. He had let me cry on his shoulder, telling me that it'll be okay and that I needed to get to class to get my mind off it. We exchanged numbers and he dropped me off at my class.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2018 ⏰

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