Chapter 5

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"Darling just kiss me slow, your heart is all I own", played in the background and at that moment I knew that you were the one. We both wore suits, your tie was the same shade of blue as your eyes, whilst I had a black bowtie on. We slow danced together for the first time. I stepped on your foot a total of 10 times. I remember feeling you pull me closer to you, leaving no space. I also remember feeling your member rub against my thigh. You had laughed silently as I looked into your eyes, my face flushed with embarrassment. We were in a room filled with people, yet it felt as if we were the only people in the world.

Thank you.


As we drove into the driveway, I noticed something was off about my so-called mate. It was obvious. It was just a mask. I jumped out of the car as soon as Kate stopped the car. I was furious. I ran to the figure, and pulled off the mask.


"What the fucking hell, Kate?", I shouted and turned back to give her a killer stare. Was this supposed to be my gift? A fucking joke?

"Well, duh. Did you actually expect him to be here?", she asked as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. I didn't expect that, but honestly joking about this is not funny.

"How did you even get such a clear and good picture of him?", I asked and threw the mask back into Johns hands. John was a really muscular guy, he was tall and had black hair. It was obvious to see that he was a werewolf, even humans suspected him to be one. However, we're not allowed to let humans know of this supernatural world. Kate knows, and I've tried explaining to people who I thought would be close to me and would understand but they didn't believe me. I trust Kate with my life, hence me telling her the truth. It was hard to stay angry at Kate, so I forgave her for her silly prank.

"Instagram, duh", she said and pulled me into her house. John followed behind and I took some time to appreciate what John was wearing. A black jacket with a brown inner shirt, his jeans stuck to him as such that there was no room for imagination.

"Like what you see?", he leaned in and whispered in my ear. I couldn't help but flush a crimson red. Kate had gone to her room to get dressed, thus leaving John and I alone.

"N-No", I stuttered out and covered my mouth quickly. I've never been so flustered and emotional. I'm used to being able to ignore people and not be affected by anyone's moves.

"It's alright, I get what you're going through. I too used to block out people and not feel things, but when I felt my mate's presence and knew that he's out there, I started feeling things. I guess we'll both just have to wait until they make their appearance. But judging from Kates prank, I sense that you're lucky to know what he looks like. I've never seen mine, only passed him once or twice", John said as he smiled at me. John was a handsome guy, not going to lie, and his mate would be lucky to have him.

I took a seat next to him on the coach, and he pulled me onto his lap. We've always had this kind of relationship, but the difference back then was that the gesture wouldn't impact me. Now, I just felt squeamish and couldn't held but squirm myself against John. I could feel his hands tighten on my arms and before I knew it, I was underneath him. I turned my head and avoided his gaze.

He growled and then began apologizing as he let go of me and went to the bathroom. In my shock state, I hadn't noticed that Kate had entered the room.

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