Chapter 4

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So hey guys, I'm kind of having a problem with updating and stuff - the chapters end up being unpublished or being in a different order. I do apologize, but hopefully this one works out. Thanks for reading!


For some reason, I thought that we were the ultimate power couple. Maybe it was because of the way you held my hand in front of everyone. It wasn't the gesture that made me happy, it was the feeling. Your hands were warm, they didn't hold mine tightly, it was soft and caring. The only time you held it a bit too tightly was when you thought John was trying to take me from you. It kind of turned me on when you got jealous. You were so possessive. Other than that, you never did hurt me. You never raised your voice. You never made me feel less than my worth.

Thank you.


"Musuko, please give your dad a hand with packing the groceries. I'm busy cooking", my mom shouted as soon as I walked into the house. I sighed - I had only two classes today but I was beyond tired. Kate's theories have been playing over and over again in my head. I headed off to the kitchen to help my dad.

"Fabian! How are you doing?", my dad asked in his thick British accent. He too was short like my mom, he had blonde hair and blue eyes. So how did a British Caucasian man and a Japanese woman make a Korean baby? Well, they didn't. My dad is an Alpha, which means he holds all responsibility for his pack. This also meant that when a child is left at their doorstep, with no trace of its parents or pack, he is responsible for finding the child a new home. Himari, my adoptive mom, said she fell in love with me as soon as she saw me. She begged James, my adoptive dad, to adopt me. Ever since then, I've grown to respect them and treat them as my own blood. Mom brought me up speaking Japanese and English, treating me as her own son.

"I'm doing well thanks, Kate has just been tiring me out", I let out a loud sigh to emphasize my exhaustion. I picked up some cans and placed them in the cupboard next to my dad. He stopped what he was doing and stared at me so hard that I could feel it.

"Are you sure that she isn't your mate? You've been pretty close to her. I mean, the age gap wont be a - ", before my dad could finish his sentence I had cut him off.

"She's just a friend! Can you guys please stop talking about this mate thing? It's getting on my nerves", I took the bottles of cooldrink and pack them into the fridge. Why is everyone so bothered about my mate when there's more serious issues to worry about aka the starving people in Africa. (AUTHORS NOTE - I literally am from Africa, we are not starving but I just had to put in the stereotype. Also, we don't walk around with lions).

"Don't talk to your father that way! Don't cut him off either", my mom yelled at me. I guess she was right, it was a tad disrespectful. I guess I'm just use to cutting off Kate that way and talking to her like that.

"Sorry, papa. I didn't mean to talk to you like that. It's just that Kate too has been going on about seeing my ma-", I covered my mouth before I realised what I was saying. My parents did not know that I have seen my mate or even know of his existence. It was supposed to remain that way until I actually spoke to my mate.

"YOU FOUND YOUR MATE?", I could hear the excitement in both my parents' voice. See, this is why I didn't tell them. They'll make a big deal about it.

"Erm...", was all I could let out before I dashed to my bedroom. Damn you mate, why are you making my life a living hell?


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