Chapter 14

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Someone knocked on the door, I went to answer it. When I opened it, I was so surprised at who it was. All I could say was " I can't believe you are here!!". It was my ex boyfriend, Ashton. I don't know if I should be happy about him being here or not..

"Danni!!" He yelled as he pulled me into a hug. "Ash-" Ashton interrupted me. "I missed you and your mom told me that you were in Cali." He said, as he stopped hugging me. My mom always liked Ashton and when we broke up we said that we would stay friends and actually remained friends.

Taylor walked over to us and wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him. "Who's this guy?" Taylor said, starring at Ashton. "One of Danni's friends from home, I'm Ashton. Who are you?" Ash said. "Taylor, Danni's boyfriend." Taylor said.

"You aren't her boyfriend Taylor!" Matt said, I laughed at Matt's comment because you could tell he was jealous. "I should tell Blair that you're here!" I said, Blair was always good friends with Ashton...

"I will!!" Nash volunteered. "There is something I have to tell you about Sam but I don't know what it is..." Ashton said, Sam is the last person that I want to talk about right now....

"Oh yeah! Now I remember, Sam is here in Cali!!" Ash said excitedly, I had a mini-heart attack when he said that... I guess Ash doesn't know about what happened between Sam and I. I just stood there staring at Ash, I was speechless.

"Ash, did Sam tell you about what happened between him and I the morning we left???" I seriously needed to know because Ash is acting like Sam and I are best friends..

"Yeah and he said that he is sorry about what he did to you.." Ash said. "So he isn't mad at me?" I ask, surprised. "Nope, but you should really talk to him!" Ash said.

"ASHTON, CALL HIM RIGHT NOW!!! I HAVE TO SEE SAMMY! TELL HIM TO COME OVER HERE RIGHT NOW!!!" I was basically jumping up and down right now, Ash nodded and pulled out his phone. A minute later, Sam showed up.

He walked in and I ran to him and hugged him tightly. "Why didn't you tell me you were here?!?" I asked. "I didn't think you would want to see me.." He said, looking at his feet. "I seriously would hang out with you every day!!! You are my best friend, I would never be mad at you for this long!!" I said, Sam laughed. "How did you get here so fast?" I asked. "The o2l house is across the street." He laughed. I can't believe I didn't notice...

After a little while of talking to Sam, he went back to the o2l house. I just realized that Nash never brought Blair downstairs... I'll check on them later...

It was me, Taylor, Matt and Ashton. "I'm gonna text my friend Chloe and have her over here tonight." I said as I text Chloe.

Me: Hey Chloe, I was wondering if you wanted to spend the night??😜

Chloe: I'll be over in 5😋

Me: see ya then😃

"Chloe is coming over in 5 minutes" I told the guys. " then Carter is coming over, he is always talking about her" Matt said. "Fine with me" I said. Carter was over within seconds. A couple minutes later, Chloe showed up. "What should we do?" Chloe asked. "Get all the guys over here and we can play truth or dare!!" Ashton said.

Chloe went with Carter to get the guys and I went to get Blair and Nash. I walked in to Nash kissing Blair on the bed. "STOP IT YOU TWO!!! WE ARE PLAYING TRUTH OR DARE DOWNSTAIRS!!" I yelled. I heard Nash say something.. Blair left but before Nash left, I stopped him.

"No kissing Blair on the bed for you and what did you say when I stopped your make out session?!?" I said as more of a statement. "I will kiss Blair if I want, and I said shit" he said in a cocky tone. "I know more about Blair than you.... I am trying to protect her from being hurt so listen to me.." I said.

We were sitting on the carpet, and started truth or dare, I got to start. "Shawn, truth or dare??" He chose dare. "I dare you to kiss Blair!" I smirked. They kissed right in front of Nash. "Carter, truth or dare?" Shawn asked, and of course carter said dare and he got dared to kiss Chloe. There was a lot of stuff like lick the wall and drink hot sauce AND stuff like that. Matt got chose and I had to kiss him.

But Taylor got chose and he had to take me up into a bedroom for 10 minutes. We walked upstairs and I expected for Taylor to instantly try to kiss me but instead we just sat on the bed and talked at first... After about 8 minutes of talking, Taylor leaned in and right when our lips touched, Matt ran in and said times up. I quickly kissed Taylor's cheek and started to walk out-but stayed at the door and I could tell that Taylor was mad at Matt.

When Matt went downstairs I intertwined my fingers with Taylor's and whispered into his ear, "we will get that kiss sometime". "I know babe, maybe later" he said and I nodded.

A/N. Do you think Taylor and Danni will ever get their kiss??

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