Ah, so that's that I guess

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Oli's POV (will be until further chapters)
The song doesn't even start to get on my nerves. If anything its pretty calming. I shut my eyes and relax there. Let people think what they wanna think. I couldn't care less at the moment. I'm leaning up against the wall in the corner. I let the song fill my head. That is, until the bell rings. "Ok class." Miss Mater announces "Good work today! Go get changed and head to your next class!" As she said those words I could not have ran faster in my life. I took my earphones out, paused the song and ran into the boys locker room. I ran over to my bag. Phew, it was still there. I grab it and quickly get changed back into my outfit for the day. Just as I'm tying up my shoelaces the others begin to flood in. I throw my backpack on and rush out, squeezing inbetween the random stranger who I'll hopefully never have to talk to again. I pull out the slip of paper and look for my next lesson. 'Drama'. That doesn't sound too bad. I head out of the gym area and run up a flight of stairs, along the corridor, back down a set if stairs and then bam. The auditorium where drama is held. I head inside and look around. Quite a few seat for quite a few people. I head over go the left side of the room. I take a seat in the chair in the furthest corner against the back wall. I stay sitting there and put one of my earphones back in and played my entire playlist. Nothing like good ol' music to calm you down. Well, me down anyway. I look up and see a teacher expectantly tapping his foot on the floor, with his arms crossed. I gulp and stay quiet. "Name?" He says in a German accent. "O-Oliver... Oliver Parsons... " I reply sheepishly. He nods and ticks a box on the sheet of paper he has. He must not have a laptop and does his register on paper. "So, Oliver, why are you so early to class?" My neck seems to have shrunk. "U-Uhm... I'm n-not sure. I just saw my next lesson was here and I came straight away... Today is my first day so I d-didn't want to be late." He gives me a light smile. "Lighten up man. Your first day must be pretty stressful. You must be super fast as well if you made it here. I mean, if you have the same lessons as the rest of my class then you had fitness, correct?" I slowly nod my head. Im extremely uncomfortable right now. "So, why did you get changed so quickly? Most people wouldn't get here for another five minutes." "I-Im really awkward around people and I t-try my best to not talk to people. I don't really enjoy school b-because I don't enjoy huge crowds. I do enjoy solitude, music and gaming though." His face returns to a serious one. "Well, Oliver, I would like you to be comfortable in my class. I do not force people to act if they don't want to. However, you must show me that you can for exams. That can be in private if you would like. Also, just study the plays and drama as a whole. Even though this is drama we will have tests on paper and homework assignments." I nod amd smile weakly "T-Thank you sir." I whisper. He nods and turns away from me. He walks up the stairs and onto the stage. I sigh amd slump back into my chair. Man, do I hate school. Well, not all of school. This teachers pretty damn cool. And so was the Pe teacher. I shut my eyes and get fully emerged into the next song that came on. This is nice. This is relaxing. This is peaceful. Well, not for long. I open my eyes and except reality. This reality is that Im the new, strange, scrawny boy who doesn't talk to anyone and always listens to music. I sigh and look around. People are starting to flood into the auditorium. This just wasn't my day... Well, nothing's really my day anymore. "Ok class, my name is Mr Likencha. But Sir will suffice. Is there anyone who would like to act today?" Five people raise their hands. Everyones sitting at the front of the room. Thats lucky for me as no one will hopefully sit next to me. "Really? Only five of you? Oh well, that is to be expected. Ok. You five head up on stage and do some acting. You can make up a little play about a shop. Ok. Go!" The students stand up and walk to the very front. Well, this could be enlightening. I look around the auditorium. Hmm... Fawn boy is no where to be seen. I look at the stage and watch the students act. There are only two boys and they look like they really regret their decision now. I laugh slightly but only to myself. No one heard me, or at least I hope so. I wonder where fawn boy is... Why am I thinking of him? He had no significance to me... I stretch back in my chair and shut my eyes. Im not prepared for the rest of this day.
~le time skip~
"Theres the bell class. I hope you have a good rest of the day. Don't gt in trouble because you'll hace to deal with me. Now get on to your next lesson!" Silently, I stand up and grab my bag. I go to the door but Im stopped. "Oliver, I would like you to stay behind quickly." Oh god, what did I do now?!? Please don't say I'm in trouble! I gulp and sit down in the seat next go the door. Slowly, everyone leaves. Oh no, please don't do anything harsh. What did I do?!? "Do not worry Oliver, you are not in trouble." Sir says seeing my distress. "I want to let you know that you don't have to be afraid to be who you are. Enjoy life, Ok? You can go now." I nod my head and smile at him. As quick as I could I ran to my next class which was cooking. My smile faded as I left and I opened the door. I enter the room and look around at the empty seats. I need to focus in this class. I can hardly cook anything. Ive been living off beans on toast for about two weeks. I think after I learn how to cook Im going to forever ban beans from my house. Ok, time to sit before you look like an even bigger weirdo. I take the middle table corner. I would've sat anywhere else but that was the only free table. I got out a cook book and began reading. I stick my other earphone in and turn up the volume. I don't like this... These recipes are too complicated. But saying that, almost everything is complicated. I really need to crack down and focus on work. Out of the corner of my eye I see a girl sit down next to me. I avert my head away from her and read my book. But I can't focus. I can feel her looking at me. I sigh and look at the table. Why does life have to be so harsh...?

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