Please don't let me go

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Oli's POV
Callum's hair was soft and smooth. I could hear him calming down. His breathing was steady. I gently stroke him to help. He seems steady now "Im so sorry I couldn't be strong for you." He says depressed.
"Callum... You were strong for me. You showed me that you were human as well. I wouldn't ask you to be any stronger than you are right now. You carried me, you got extremely tired, but you carried on to make me happy. You are one of the most strongest people I've ever met." I can feel a smile on his lips.
"Thank you..." I hear him whisper. I tighten my grip around him. Not to much to hurt him but enough to make sure he can't leave. I feel comfortable around him and I don't want him to ever leave. I have a feeling he doesn't want to leave either. A warm sensation comes over my body. I feel Callum's grip lighten and my chest feel heavier. I look down and see a passed out Callum. "Heh..." I ruffle his hair up slightly "Good night, friend." I slowly crawl out and lay him down. I have to admit, he's lighter than I thought. I throw the cover over him and sit on the floor infront of him. He deserves to have a rest. After all he's done for me. I reach into one of the bags in front of me. I pull out a ham burger. Probably not my favourite thing but I shouldn't be picky now should I. I bite into it and turn on the TV. I put it onto the music channel. The song Alone by Alan Walker comes on. I smile and carry on eating my burger. I finish it in just three bites. Wow, I have a big mouth apparently. I just must be hungry I mean after all I haven't eaten properly in ages. I feel an arm on my shoulder. I turn my head to the side and see its Callum. His eyes are slightly open and there staring into mine. He has a tired smile on his face. I'm giving him a warm smile. His arm moves off of my shoulder and onto the sofa. He pats it and motions me onto it. I haul myself up on the sofa and lay next to him. He shuts his eyes and has a wide grin on his face. I turn and face the TV, music still playing quite loudly in the background. I rest my eyes but they soon open wide. I feel an arm sliding around my body. I look down to see the owner of the arm. Callum had his arm around me as he slept. I could feel my body tense. "W-What? Why is h-he?" I think. I get pulled closer to him. My heart beat is going crazy. He begins to stir so I relax. I start panicking slightly. "W-What's going on?!?" the warm embrace of Callum heats my entire body. I can feel myself falling asleep. I shut my eyes and smile slightly. The warmth calms me and I fall into a deep sleep not caring about whats to come.

~time skip to when Callum wakes up~

Callum's POV
I wake up with a stiff feeling in my back. "Heh, guess I should never sleep like that ever again." I open my eyes fully to get a good look around me. There's an object in front of me. And I'm holding it? "What the -" My eyes immediately widen "T-That's Oli! Why is he there?!? I know I told him to come rest by why am I holding him!?!?" I had a million questions going through my head at once. I heard him waking up so I stopped moving. I stopped breathing until I knew he was still asleep. "I can't move..." Im stuck here in one position. I gulp and shut my eyes, trying to mentally calm myself down. I have no clue what is happening. I know that it was me who wanted to get to know him but I never thought we'd ever be like this. Oli sits up extremely quickly causing me to freak out. We both let out a little scream. I look away from him, face redder than an apple. Well, I suppose some apples are green so a strawberry? Yeah, that works. He's not looking at me either. We both let the silence and tension sink in for awhile.
"I-I'm sorry!" We both exclaim in unison, turning our bodies to look at each other. Yet again, we fall into a silence. "I'm sorry... I don't remember doing that so I'm sorry if I did anything else..." My face gets heavier with every word I speak.
"You only did that... Anyway, you were asleep so..." silence once more.
What is it with this damn silence?!?
"Listen, Im real sorry Oli. W-We're still gonna be friends though, right?" I blurt out. He gives a weak smile "Yeah. That could never break our friendship." friendship... I can't ask for more than that. Slowly, I stand up and walk intonthe kitchen. I grab one of the glasses I washed up and filled it up with water. Taking a swig I looked at Oli who was staring at the TV. Well, I say staring but he had his eyes shut. "Hey, you wanna drink?" I offer. I get a simple head shake. No.
I nod and sit on top of the kitchen counter and continue to drink the water. You know, I know I shouldn't think like this but when he's calm and quiet like that he... He looks adorable. That may sound weird and I suppose that's because it is weird. I choke on my water slightly. I shouldn't think of him in that way... Not after what he's been through. It'll look like Im using him and taking advantage of him while he's weak. "Are you alright?" I hear his soft voice speak.
"Y-Yeah... Im fine, just went down the wrong hole is all..." I say placing the cup down, beginning to cough. He shakes his head in disbelief but doesn't question me further. I don't like lying to him but I shouldn't ever think like that... Its wrong, right? Is it ok to feel like that? To have those thoughts about someone who can break down at any minute isn't the best thing. Ugh, my head hurts now. I put the glass in the sink. "I'll wash it up later..." I think aloud.
"Watch out. You might keep saying that and it'll turn out like how you saw it earlier." Oli says calmly. I smile at him.
"I won't let that happen." I pull my phone out of my pockets and check the time. "Jeez, its 12 already. We slept for around 2 and a half hours." I slide it back into my pocket and head for the stairs. "Where are you going?" Oli questions. I laugh slightly
"To use the loo."
"Ok. Second to your right." He calls after me as I continue to walk up the stairs. Ok, Callum, second on the right. I walk over to the room I expect fo be the bathroom... But it's not.

Its Oli's bedroom...

I look around the room, flustered. I shouldn't be in here, its an invasion of privacy. However, I do see a door amidst my panic. Slowly, I creep towards it and shut his room door behind me. I focus my eyes on the door and nothing else around me. I don't want to snoop around. That's wrong... After what seems like forever, I reach the door. I put my hand on the handle and pull it down. The door opens to reveal a nice beige bathroom. Speedily, I head in and lock the door behind me. I see a towel on the rack and a shower. I stand there for a few minutes. Thats before I lift up my arm and smell. I pull my head away revolted at what I just did. "I need a shower..." I say putting the toilet seat down and sitting on it. I remove my shirt and black jeans and turn on the shower. I wait to get the right temperature. "I hope Oli doesn't mind... I just, really need one." I remove the rest of my clothes and walk into the shower.

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