You don't have to do this...

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I can see the light fading around me. "Oli! Open the door!" I hear pounding at my door. It stops. My head is spinning.
I can hear my door being barged open. "Oliver!"
"C-Callum... Save me..." I can hardly get the words ouy of my mouth. The world disappears and I pass out. My head is filled with no thoughts... Im empty. Everynow and then I can see glimpses of what happening to me. First Callum was screaming and freaking out. 'Its ok... Im going ti get someone to help... SOMEBODY! PLEASE HELP!"
Everything was black once more... I can only hear a high pitched ringing...
"He's going to be OK, right?" Callum asks the doctors staring down at me. "We don't know..."
Darkness again... There is nothing for awhile...
The rushing sounds of the bed are too loud. "What's wrong with him?" Callups voice asks hoarsely "He has malnutrition. He needs to get some food in his system... It's killing him..."
I'm going to die.. So, this is what it feels like... There is nothing again... I have a feeling I won't be doing this constantly.
"I'm sorry... I failed you as a friend... We weren't even that were we... I should never have left... Maybe this wouldn't have happened... I'm sorry Oli... This is all my fault..." It Callum... He's crying...
As the world fades out once more I know I will not wake till morning. I mentally smile at him... At least if I die, I'll die surrounded by someone that cares about me... That's all I could ever ask for. I feel my body getting heavier. I should rest. And so should he. He deserves it more but I physically need to. I relax and let sleep take ahold of my body.
~Le time skip~
I awake in the hospital bed. I hurt everywhere. Looking around I can see the machine Im hooked up to and an IV bag next to me. My legs feel heavier... I look at my legs and see Callum asleep. Poor boy... The sun is shining directly through the window curtain. Its warm... Well, that makes a change. Callum starts stirring. Oh no. I must've moved and he felt it! I stay calm and watch him. With a groan and stretch he sits up in the chair he pulled next to my bed. "Good morning..." I whisper weakly. He turns to me in a flash. "Y-You're awake! This isn't my imagination is it?" I smile. "No Callum. I'm real. Well, at least I think so." I can see tears in his eyes.
"Its really you! Your ok!" He says giving me a hug. "You're really ok..." I give Callum a hug in return. I haven't felt the comfort of one of these in quite awhile. Its nice and warm... I begin to feel a wet sensation on my shoulder. "Im so glad you're ok... I was so worried..." Worried?
"Heh, why were you worried about me? Its nice to know someone is but... You don't even know me." I feel his head rest up against mine. "Because we're friends Oli. Im sorry I left you. If I hadn't had left you then none of this would've happened." I put my left hand on the back of his head. "Callum thats nonsense. Don't blame yourself. You don't know me that well. We only met yesterday. Plus, you couldn't have stopped the pain. I tried but it would just come back. This is my own fault." I smile as he tightens his grip slightly. Its not enough to hurt me but enough to make me feel safe.
There's a knocking sound at the door of the room Im in. "Hello. Im not interrupting anything am I?" A nurse asks walking into the room. She had light brown hair and a bobbed hair cut. Callum pulls away from me and I let my arms slide off of him. "No... Don't worry, I was just glad he was awake." Callum says. He seems a bit shyer than usual. The nurse smiles and walks over to my bed. "Im just going to need to ask you a few questions. Ok?" I nod my head. Social anxiety please stay away...
"Your name is Oliver Parsons, correct?" I nod again, unable to speak.
"Tell me Oliver. What do you eat normally?" I think about this.
"W-Well, lately noy very much... I'd have beans on toast every now and then but I hardly eat much. I didn't eat anything yesterday." She writes something down onto a clipboard.
"Ok, and why haven't you been eating properly?" I sigh and glance at Callum. I don't want him to worry more. He nods at me and walks to the other side of the room so he can't hear... Why is he so nice to me?
"I-I suffer from a r-really heavy depression... I don't eat because I'm w-weak and when I'm sad I can't keep it down... And sometimes I just refuse to eat..." The nurse nods with a serious expression and writes down some more stuff. She must think Im crazy to.
"Oliver. Is there anyone at home you can talk to or can look after you?" I freeze. The little power and energy I had just leaked out of my body. I can feel my eyes start to water. "I-I.... I..." I start to stutter. Callum sees my distress and runs over. "He has me." I look at him. Callum... Why? We don't know each other yet and he's protecting me. "C-Callum..." I whisper meekly. He crouches down next to my face. "Y-You dont... Have to... D-Do this..." He locks eyes with me. "Oli, I may not know you that well. We may be acquaintances or even strangers but... There's a light in you. I don't want to see that light go out. And, you don't deserve the life that's been given to you. You deserve so much better. No one should have to go through the pain you have... I want to help you because I care about you. In Pe, you were singled out and you caught my attention. In Drama, you sat at the back alone. You looked for me. I could tell by the looking around and worried expression. Well, at least I hope that was me. In cooking, Sarah threw water at you and you were uncomfortable the moment she sat next go you. In music, you were humiliated. I thought you sounded amazing but I know how it feels." Callum sighs but then resumes a smile. "Oli, people like us need to stick together. We don't fit in and others make that pretty clear. I'll follow you, and or drag you if it comes to it, to the ends of the Earth if it meant finding happiness. I want you to trust me. I can tell part of you does but a big part of you is worried I'm lying and I'll stab you in the back." Those last words seemed haard for hin to speak. The nurse smiles at me. "Ok then, Oliver are you ok with Callum looking after you for a few days? It'll be hard to walk as well so bare that in mind." I look up at him. He stands tall and proud. He wants to... But I want him to be happy. He shouldn't look after me, he should live his life and have fun. "Im fine with it. A-As long as Callum is ok with it..." He nods at the nurse. She writes down more notes. "Oliver, Im going to give you two options. You can either go around in a wheelchair or you can walk with a crutch to support your weight. And Callum," She says turning to him "Whatever you do, make sure you support him. Where he is fragile he could collapse at any given moment."
"I'll try my best." Callum says looking down at me. I smile up at him. "Ok then, what'll it be Oli?" I think I'd rather walk. That would be easier for the both of us. "I-I'll walk. I'm fine." I go to stand up but ultimately fall back onto the bed. Callum looks really worried. "I meant to do that..." I say trying to lighten the mood. Instead of the mood getting lifted, I do. I feel Callum's warm hands and arms on my chest and legs. Hes carrying me bridal style. To support myself I wrap an arm around his neck. Im blushing madly though. "Y-You didn't have to pick me up..." I say biting my lip. He just laughs. "You two can leave when you're ready. Just make sure he eats properly."
"I will." Callum says with a serious look. It's good to have someone care about you. The nurse walks out of the room leaving me and Callum alone. "C-Can you put me down now?" I question. His face flushes a deep red.
"S-Sorry! Here this'll be better." He sets me down but insists on having an arm wrapped around his neck to support me when I walk. He's taller than me so this is hard but not that hard. He crouches slightly which triggers me. I give him an annoyed look. Her just laughs and we begin to leave the hospital.

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