So, roomies?

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We slowly make our way down the road. We've gotten some strange looks but it's fine. At this point in time I just want to go home and rest. My body is weak and I can hardly carry on going. "Callum?" I question. He turns his head and looks at me. His blue eyes were calming. "Yeah Oli?" He questions. However, he doesn't get a chance to answer. I feel my legs shake and tremble. Im going down whether I like it or not. My legs fall from underneath me but before I make contact with the floor Callum catches me. "Are you alright?" He asks. I gulp and nod. "Can you walk?" I shrug my shoulders. I just kinda collapsed. I don't think Im gonna walk for awhile. Callum sighs and holds me up right. "I can give you a piggy back ride if you want. It'll be easier for you and I don't mind. Its not that far anyway." He's do kind to me. Letting go of me very slowly Callum turns around and crouches allowing me to get onto his back. I put my arms over his shoulders and he grabs my legs holding me in place. He's leaning slightly forward probably to let me rest and not waste energy sitting up straight. I lean into him and ret my head on top of his. This is quite nice actually. I shut my eyes and listen to the pattern of his footsteps. Left, right, left, right, left... Right. I yawn pretty loudly. Callum smiles. "Tired?" I nod my head in response. "In all honesty I can't say I blame you. Yesterday was... Eventful. We'll be at your house in a second so don't worry. Or, you can always... You know, I don't mind if you fall asleep on me. Even when unconscious you're still pretty light." I smile and turn my head to the right. "What time is it?" I groan. Pulling out his phone, Callum sounds kind of surprised. "Would you believe me if I told you it was eight in the morning?" I groan and shut my eyes. Callum laughs and sticks his phone back in his pockets. "Don't worry. Im not going to force you to go to school. You deserve to rest. As for me, I'll stay with you as you heal." He'd really give up school for me? I suppose it is just until I can stand up on my own two feet...  "Hey, Callum... Thank you." I whisper. He smiled widely. "Its fine Oli. No trouble at all." we carry on at a steady pace. Callum seems to be getting tired. Whenever I ask him if he wants to stop he refuses. "You need to rest Oli. Dont worry about me. We're close now." He said that sentence about 5 times now. I've been counting. Miraculously, we turn a corner and there is my house. Callum sighs in relief and jogs a bit as to not disturb me as much. He reaches into my pocket and pulls out my keys. Slowly, he looks at me with worried eyes. "Im fine. It didn't hurt." He nods and unlocks the front door. We head inside and I slide off of his back. He grabs me and supports me all the way to the sofa. As he sets me down I feel really bad. He's doing all this for me. He's going through pain and exhaustion. He cares about me but why? I watch as Callum goes into the kitchen. "What are you doing?" I ask. He has a smile on his face.
"Im going to make you and I some breakfast. I need to keep you eating. Well, thats what the doctors said." He goes around opening my cupboards and sometimes looking very confused. "What are you looking for?"
"Im not telling you." Callum teases "It's a secret. I just need to know one thing. Where the heck are all your dishes?" I sigh and point over at the sink. There's plates and plates stacked on each other. Callum laughs but I think it might be forced... "Alright. You get some sleep and I'll cook and wash up. Ok?" he's looking at me. "O-Ok." I say laying down on the sofa. I cover my body and half my face with the grey blanket. I feel restless. I need and want to sleep but I can't. I toss amd turn on the sofa. I can here Callum start to hum a tune. I could never mistake that song. The song calms me down and relaxes my mind. I can feel my eyes getting heavier. "Thank you..." I whisper shutting my eyes and falling into a nice sleep.

Callum's POV
I'm reaching the end of the song but I don't stop humming. I start it again and watch Oli. He seems more relaxed now. He seems really relaxed, I can hear his snoring. Its not loud, I just have good hearing. I can't help but smile. I start to wash all of Oli's dishes. For someone who doesn't eat much, he has quite a lot of dishes. But I don't mind. I want to be there for him. He's my friend, right? I focus on washing the plates and cups and some other things. I don't know exactly what Im going to cook yet. I might just go to McDonalds and get breakfast from there or something. I laugh and stop humming to recover myself. I hope this is ok. I look back at Oli. He still seems ok. Thats good I suppose. I keep getting side tracked. I need to focus on my goal. I finish washing up quicker then I think I ever have. And Oli is still asleep. I need to let him rest. The doctors said he was in a bad condition. Wait... He's not moving but I think I see him breathing. "H-He's fine Callum..." I tell myself. "You can see him breathing." But, I can't. I feel my heart beating really quickly. I rush to his side and shake his shoulders. "Oli, please wake up!" I say panicking. He slowly comes to consciousness.
"C-Callum? Whats wrong?" He asks yawning. I sigh and feel guilty.
"I-I'm sorry... I was worried about you... I couldn't see you breathing and I freaked out." He smiles at me. "Its fine Callum. How's food coming along? Sorry if I sound ungrateful. I just am hungry is all." I laugh at his remark.
"I haven't cooked anything yet. Im going to run to McDonalds and get some breakfast for us. What do you want?"
"I'll eat anything in all honesty at the moment." I laugh and head to the door.
"I'll be right back. Don't move to much and don't do anything stupid." He gives me a thumbs up and lays back down into a more comfortable position. I nod and open the door. He waves me goodbye and I leave taking his key with me. Time to go get food.

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