Why do you stay?

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I stayed there. Crying, being pathetic and a general waste of space. I heard the bell ring. Why would I go? Theres no point in going is there... People would just laugh at me... I sigh and let the tears slow down. No one gets it, do they. No one knows the pain I've been through... It just, all gone. Why must life be so difficult... I sigh and sluch into the chair and pull out my slip of paper. Huh, so I missed out on Science... Its not that big of a miss. I shove the paper back into my pocket and open up my bag. I reach in and pull out my black and white hoodie. Slowly, I remove my jacket and put my hoodie on. Don't want people seeing my tear marks, now do I. I wipe my remaining tears off my face and put my jacket into my bag. Zipping it up, I look around the library. I wonder why no one came to look for me. Oh wait, yes I do. Because Im an idiot and no one likes me. They have no reason to like me but then saying that... What reason do they have to hate me? I put my bag on my shoulders but I don't leave. I sit back down in my chair and listen to some music. I slip one earphone in and I quickly choose a song. I click on a random one. The moment the first few words hit my ears I froze. This song shouldn't be here... Well, thats not true, its just a bit sentimental. I stay sitting up right and shut my eyes. "Do you know what we're fighting for?" This song...
"Well its not worth dying for." Please... Not now... I squeeze my eyes tighter. I can resist this... No...

Im weak... I sigh and feel all control over my body pour out of me. Nothings built to last... That means that Im not built to last. Meaning Im weak and can be broken. I can be broken quite easily it seems. This is stupid. I've already cried once today so anything can set me off for the rest if it. I sit in silence for minutes on end. Well, not silence as I had music going into my ears but you kinda get the point. The silence comforts me as it means that there is nothing being said to break me down further. Silence means the world around me is slowly disappearing... Any little sound could ruin everything. But, surprisingly, nothing happens. The tears, of course, are still moving slowly. I can't control them so theres no point in even trying anymore...
And theres the break away from the peaceful world of music. I sigh and move into the corner of the room, hoping not to be seen by anyone... I hear a thousand footsteps at once as people are charging down the halls to get out of school. How can so many people be so hectic? Second thoughts, how could so many people not be so hectic? I mean, its kinda self explanatory, isn't it? Still, no one dares to come into the library. Maybe a teacher saw me go in here and told everyone to back off... Maybe but unlikely. Sooner or later the heat dies down. I take my earphone out and shove them into my hoodie's pocket.
I throw my hood up and head out of the library. I can't see anyone so I make a break for it. However, as I begin to run, something stops me. I feel a sudden grip around my wrist so I stop but almost fall over in the process. I feel a grip around my waist as someone supports me up. There is no release on my wrist. "Hey, are you ok? I saw you walk out of class earlier and you looked pretty upset." I look up and down at the boy holding my wrist. It was the boy in Orange/Autumn colours! I nod my head as a simple response. "Oh thank God you're ok. You've had a pretty stresful day, huh? Also, you didn't need to leave. I know you were probably super embarrassed but you sounded amazing! Oh, also, not to sound like a stalker or anything but when you stormed out I followed you. I sat at the top of the library stairs to make sure no one came to hurt you. D-Don't worry though! I was only there for a few minutes before I left. I returned to music but then at Science I sat outside the library for a bit, waiting for you to come out. It was fine because Im normally late to some lessons. Im sneaky, quiet and quite fast, or atleast I like to think so, but I sometimes just get lost in the corridors. Lost in my own thoughts. But anyway, I just waned to say, if anyone gives you any trouble tell me. S-Sorry, I keep on talking..." I smile at him. "I-Its fine... So w-wait... If you don't mind me asking, why did you come after me? I know it might just be the kindness of your heart but I don't want you to get in trouble for my actions..." He laughs a bit.
"Trust me, you weren't just a random person to help. You've been picked on all day. Its been pretty rough, hasn't it?" I nod slowly. Whats his game...? "Well, all I can say is, don't worry about Sarah. I basically have her r
Wrapped around my finger." My eyes light up but I also tilt my head in confusion. "Shes the principals daughter and- Oh! My name! Im sorry, I haven't introduced myself. My name is Callum Knight. Your Oliver, right?" How does he... Wait, I have been saying my name to all the teachers so I guess he would know, huh...
"My name is Oliver Parsons but I prefer Oli. I just don't correct people when saying Oliver because I can't be asked... And Im slightly afraid..." I mumble the last part so he can't hear it. His eyes travel from my face down my chest and to my arm. With a sudden jump backwards, he releases his grip on my arm. "I'm so sorry! I completely forgot about that! Don't worry. I'll leave you alone now..." He turns away with hands stuffed into his trouser pockets. "Its fine." I call out after him. He turns to look at me. What did I just say?!?
"Really? You mean it? We can, like, hang out for a bit?" He says full of excitement. Ok, there goes everything. Regret should be making its way rigjt around the corner now. "S-Sure... I don't see w-why not..." A smile spreads across Callums face and he runs back to me grabbing my wrist again. However, its the left one and not the right one this time. He runs back down the corridor, dragging me behind with him. He didn't lie when he said he was fast, however, we're both the same speed. Im just lagging behind because hes holding my wrist and if he lets go or I go to the side, one of us is falling over. I can feel his grip tighten as we run through the practically empty streets. There were barley any cars and they weren't any people around. How long were we in the building for? Callum suddenly comes to a stop. He's breathing quite heavily so that must've taken quite a lot of energy out of him. I stand awkwardly next to him as he bends over to get his breath. "I wouldn't do that if I were you. You can get more air in if you stand up straight." I say. I don't know why I know that fact but apparently its helpful.
"Thanks," He says standing up straight and stretching his back. "I haven't ran like that in awhile now... Never really needed to. Anyway, so where'd you wanna go?" I look down at my shoes. What do I wanna do and where do I wanna go? "We could go back to my place if you wanted. I live by myself so we don't need to worry about rules. Just know it might be a bit messy. B-But its just an option! We can go to the park or something like that to hang out instead!" Callum smiles at me and begins to laugh.
"Your house couldn't be that dirty. You don't know the meaning of dirty until you've seen my bedroom. Anyway, dont take this the wrong way. I know we've literally only just fully met but I am quite forward. If you ever feel uncomfortable just tell me. I can tell your socially awkward so I won't take any offense to it." I smile this time. He gets me. He understands what its like. Well, I think so. At least he respects me... "Come on." I say beginning to walk down the road. "My house is only a few blocks away from here.

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