What's that suppose to mean?

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Callum's POV
I step out of the shower and grab the towel. I wrap it around my waist and it's long enough to cover my legs. I look around. "Should I get changed back into those?" I whisper looking at my dirty clothes. "I just got clean so all that would be wasted if I put dirty clothes back on..." I sigh and push all of them into the corner of the bathroom. What am I supposed to do now? I guess theres only one other option. Slowly, I make my way to the door and with a trembling hand I unlock and open it. I slide my head out first, the coast is clear. I drag the rest of my body out and shut the door behind me. Holding the towel so it doesn't fall down, I run out of his bedroom and to the top of the stairs. Ugh, please don't hate me...
"Hey, Oli?" I call down.
"Yeah?" he replies almost instantly.
"C-Can I borrow some clothes quick? Mine got wet when I w-was washing my hands..." Please buy it... Please...
"Sure, they'd be in my bedroom. It should be the Third door on your right. In the wardrobe or on the floor. I dont recommended the ones on the floor though!" He calls up.
"Thanks!" I shout as I head back into his room. He must've got the rooms the wrong way around... Looking around, I get a good look of his room. His walls are white with one of the wallpapered. The wallpaper is a brick design. Still gazing around the room, I make my way over to the wardrobe. I tug lightly on the door and it doesn't budge. I pull a bit harder and it moves slightly. A few more tugs ans this should open. One...


I tug one more time and the door flies open. For a door so stiff you would've expected there to be mountains of clothes in there but they were all stacked neatly or up on hangers. I grab a pair of black joggers off of one of the hangers and grab a orange shirt from on top of the pile infront of me. I neatly put the clothes on his bed. "I can't borrow anything like that..." I whisper under my breath "Thats too far..." I walk into the bathroom again and search through my dirty clothes. I find my pair of boxers and quickly and rush out of the bathroom. I calm down and walk over to the bed. I quickly squeeze into the joggers and put the shirt on. Oli's clothes are slightly tight but I am quite tall so thats to be expected. I sit down on the edge of his bed. "I came off as creepy and strange... That why he keeps asking me..." I sigh "Oli thinks that we're scary and need to go to an asylum. Well, probably anyway. I wouldn't blame him after a few minues ago..." I shut my eyes and relax. "This is wrong... I shouldn't be here... Im disgusting, aren't I?" I sit in the silence of his room but filled with my thoughts. "He hates you... You can't lie about that... The look on his face when you said you'd look after him... I came off as a creep who waned to get close to him..."  My thoughts go on and on. I sit through them with a blank look on my face. What does it matter? When he's better we never have to see each other again... I sigh. All sound around me is blocked out. I can't hear or see anything.

The silence...

I like it...
I can't feel anyhing. I don't know what's happening. "C-Callum?" I hear a whisper in my ear. Its faint but I can hear it "Callum, you need to get up... He still needs you... You can't give up yet." Who's voice is that? Why does it sound so familiar and so comforting?
"Callum..." Where is it coming from?
"Callum..." I need to get up, I need to find them!
"Earth to Callum?" I open my eyes to see a confused looking guy waving his hand in front of me.
"S-Sorry... What was that?" I blurt out, letting my eyes adjust. A smile spreads on his face.
"I was just seeing if you were ok... You weren't responding and I got worried so I came to check on you. You did take awhile..." He explains but mumbles the last part. I smile at him
"Sorry. I just space out sometimes, ya know?" he laughs slightly.
"I know..." he says quietly. We stare at each other for awhile. His brown hair was messy. Thats probably because we've been asleep for awhile. His eyes were amazing and bright.
"Hey, Oli?" I whisper. His expression not changing, he nods.
"Do you think Im weird? L-Like do you hate me now or..." He smiles at me.
"Callum, you're probably the weirdest person Ive ever met. But do I hate you for it? Nah, we all are different. I like your weird." I feel a light punch in my arm. A smile breaks out onto my face. We sit in silence. I lower my head. "I need to tell him..." I think "He deserves to know..." I sigh and shut my eyes.
"I need to tell you something..."
"What is it? Is everything ok?"
"I want to tell you but I'm scared..."
"Callum, whats wrong?"
"You won't hate me... Im afraid you will..."
"Please... You're scaring me. I promise I won't hate you... Just, please, tell me..."
"Ok," I take a deep breath in "Oli... I... I-I..." I sigh. This is hard... "Oli, I really li-"
Saved by the door. We both look at the window in confusion. Oli slowly stands up from his crouching position and walks over. He pulls the light yellow curtain aside slightly and peers down at the door. A look of fear and sadness struck his face. He bolted out of the door and down the stairs, me following him closely. Slowly, still with a horrified look on his face, he places a hand on the door handle. He motions me to hide so I jump behind the sofa and wait patiently. I hear the door open. "Hello Oliver, I heard about what happened. Are you feeling ok?" Its a womans voice. Who is she?
"Im fine. Why are you here?"
"You know why Im here. Its my job to check up on you. When did you go out to buy food?" She must be looking at me. I can feel my heart beat pick up
"I went earlier. Is there a problem with that?"
"No, no... Who is looking after you? Is it that friend of yours?"
"No. In looking after myself. Leave him out of this." Oli retorts. He doesn't seem to like her.
"Oliver. I don't like to be lied to. You would tell me if anything was wrong, right?"
"Yes I would. Now if you wouldn't mind Im really tired so-"
"How stupid do you think I am? Oliver, please, talk to me. I am here for you."
I hear a loud sigh from him... What do I do?
"You people don't know anything... You get rid of everyone I care about. If I told you about my friend you would probably scare him off..." He sounds like he's about to cry... Oli, no.
"Oliver, I am here for you. I don't scare everyone away. Im just here  to make sure you're ok."
"Well you've checked now! Im fine! Just, leave me alone..." Oli please calm down..
"You know I can't do that. Not until I know you're safe and being looked after until you get better." The woman sounds angry now. I've never seen Oli like this before. I've only ever seen him in three different emotions... Sadness, happiness and flustered.
"I can look after myself!"
"No you can't. This wouldn't have happened in the first place if you could. Im sorry Oliver but you need someone to look after you for a bit."
"Stop. Just stop, please... I don't want you to look after me!" I can hear a light weeping and sniffling "Please, just leave me alone..." I peer out from behind the sofa, still staying out of sight. Oli's shaking head to toe.
"Oliver, pet, come here."
"Stay away! Just go! You don't care about me! You're just getting paid to do this!" He looks so weak and frail... Oli, please, calm down.
"Oliver, you know thats not tru-"
"Yes it is! Shut up! You're lying!" I see him. He falls to his knees. I can't sit here and do nothing! I jump out from behind the sofa and run up to him. I wrap my arms around him. Gently I stroke his head. "Im sorry Oli..." I whisper to him "I couldn't do it... It hurt me to much..." I can feel his wet tear on my shirt but I don't care. As long as he feels safe.
"Thank you Callum..."

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