In the Snow

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years ago.....

~Yumi's POV~

It was a cold winter's night. I sat near the window, drinking hot chocolate. Daddy was reading and drinking hot chocolate. He just got home from a hunt a week ago, I was staying with Uncle Toga while he was away. We used to be a big happy family, but that was a long time ago. Before, it was Daddy, Mommy, my big brother Akihiko and me. But Mommy  got really sick and so did Aki and then one day they were in heaven, at least that's what Daddy says.

"Daddy, the snow is falling!", I cheered.

"It sure is, Yumi", Daddy agreed.

"Can we build a snowman? Can we Daddy, please?"

"Tomorrow, it's too dark to be outside."

"Okay, Daddy."

I sipped my cocoa and looked out the window. I saw a boy in the snow, carrying something. I was confused, why is he outside when it's cold? Didn't his Mommy and Daddy tell him about going out at night? 

"Daddy, Daddy, look!", I said pointing at the boy.

"What is it, Sweetie?", he asked.

"There's a boy  in the snow! He's holding something! And he's coming this way!"


Daddy put down his book and came  over to see what I as pointing at. He looked scared.

"What's wrong?", I asked.

"Nothing, Princess. Why don't you go to your room and watch some TV?", he suggested as he ruffled my shoulder length dirty blonde hair. "I'll be right there to tuck you in, okay Pumpkin?"

"Okay, Daddy!"

I skipped to my room with my hot chocolate in hand.  I sat on my bed and turned the TV on to  watch cartoons. I heard the front door open  making me turn to look at the door. I hear bits and pieces of  a conversation.

"Kaname?", asked Daddy.

"Kaien, I need you to watch her", said a voice I assume was Kaname. 

"Okay. Yumi, Sweetie come here!" 

I turned off my TV and walked into the living room to see Daddy holding a little girl's hand. I look to see a tall boy with blackish brown hair and reddish brown eyes in a coat. 

"Hi, there", he said with a smile. "I'm Kaname, and you must be Yumi."

I nodded and hid behind my daddy. Kaname chuckled and so did Daddy.

"I'm sorry she's a little shy when meeting people older and taller than she is", said Daddy as he pat my head. 

I saw a scared little girl with long reddish brown hair and big brown eyes.

"Hi, I'm Yumi!", I beamed at the girl.

She stood silent. I tilted my head. Why can't she speak?

"Yumi this is your new sister", said Daddy. 

"But I had a brother!" I said. 

"I know, Pumpkin. But a sister is a lot of fun because you can talk about girl stuff with her and paint each other's nails."

"I like painting nails! I'll have a sister!"

"Yes she'll be your little sister", chuckled Kaname. "Take good care of your little sister Yumi. Can you do that?"

"Uh-huh! We'll have so much fun! I'll call her .... Yuki!", I beamed. "That's pretty, right?"

Daddy and Kaname nodded. I ran to my room with Yuki.

"This is my room, but we can share", I said. "Is that ok, Yuki-chan?"

She nodded.

~One year later~ 

It's been a year since Yuki became my little sister. I just turned 8 and Yuki is 6 now. I was playing in the snow with Yuki. We were having a snow ball fight.

"Yumi, that wasn't fair!", she whined.

"All's fair in love and war, little sister!" , I roared.  

We saw Uncle Toga with a boy around our age with silver hair and lavender eyes.

"Hi Uncle Toga!", we beamed.

"Hello, girls", he greeted. "Is your father home?"

"Yeah, he's inside!", Yuki chirped as she went to go get him.

"Uncle Toga, Uncle Toga look! I lost a tooth!", I boasted.

"Let me see", he said as I opened my mouth. "Nice! "

 Yuki came back with Dad. 

"Toga? Is that the boy?", Dad asked.

"Yes, he needs a place to stay", said Uncle Toga. 

"Girls, why don't you take this gentleman inside and clean him up?"

"Okay", we said together.

We walked into the house and cleaned him up. He was covered in blood, but it wasn't his.

"Are you okay?", Yuki asked.

He stayed silent.

"What's your name?", I asked. 

He stood up and grabbed a pen and wrote a  big zero on a piece of paper .

"Your name is Zero?", I asked as he nodded.  " Hi Zero,  I'm Yumi and this is my sister Yuki!"

"Y-yumi", he repeated as I nodded. He pointed to Yuki. "Y-yuki?"

Yuki nodded. We showed him  the room next to ours. 

"This your room,  Zero" , said Yuki.

"O-okay", he stuttered.

~A year later ~

It's been a year since Zero started living with us and two since Yuki. Dad adopted Yuki and made a school for vampires and humans. We got to live in the main house.  I am now 9, Zero is 8 and  Yuki is 7. We were laying on the grass,  watching the clouds.

"That looks like a puppy!" Yuki giggled as she pointed at the cloud.

"It does!", said Zero.  " That one looks like ice cream! "

" I see it!", I said,  holding Zero's hand.

We heard footsteps and sat up to see Dad.

"Lunch is ready.  Aww, how cute!  Yumi is holding Zero's hand ", Dad squeals.

"What?", I asked as I dropped Zero's hand.  " No I'm not.  You're seeing things,  Dad. You need better glasses."

"Maybe...  Or maybe my little Yumi is going to marry Zero when she grows up! "

I blushed and ran into the house.  I have never been so embarrassed! I can't  marry Zero, he's my friend!  That would be so weird!

I wonder when will Dad stop being so weird!

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