Chapter II: Memories of blood

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I sat in the dining room with Yuki on my left, Zero on my right and Dad  across from me. I was eating dinner and I see Zero looking at me like I'm dinner out of the corner of my eye. The hell is his problem? I continued to eat and tried to ignore him but Dad spoke up.

"Zero, you've been staring at Yumi. Eat, your dinner's getting cold", Dad said in his fatherly voice.

"I wasn't trying to, she's ...", Zero trailed off.


"Quiet?", Yuki asked.

"Older than you?", I smirked.

"I was going to say got a few buttons undone  in this", Zero said waving a hand over his chest, "area. And being a guy, I was staring." 

I look down and saw that it was the two top buttons that made my flannel modest. I turned tomato red and buttoned up.

"P-P-PERVERT!!", shouted at him as I held my right arm to my chest. 

"Don't shout at the table", Dad reprimanded.

"You must really think you're all that to think that you can show off what you have, huh?", Zero asked while he wiggled his eyebrows. 

"Shut up. Shut up! SHUT UP NOW!", I said while punching his shoulder repeatedly. "What about you? Why were you hogging the bathroom before dinner?"

"That's none of your business, Princess", he said as he ate.

 I shrugged and ate.

~ Time skip to the next day brought to you by Vic Mignogna arguing with Ed and Zero~

I was in the stables with Lily, I was lying in Zero's spot.

"What should I do Lily? I mean I like you-know-who but I don't know if he feels the same", I said. I know she's a horse and horses don't talk, but at least she won't judge me.

She whinnied in response.

"Hmm", I said, "maybe. I think I should ask Dad about it."

I stood up and pet Lily before leaving. 

~Le Time Skippy to talking with the headmaster brought to you by a very drunk America shouting "I am not throwing away my shot" before passing out~

I  explained to Dad about how I have been feeling around Zero he hugged me chanting "I knew it". He was going on about how 9 years ago was a sign. 

"What do I do, Dad?", I asked him. "Should I tell him or suffer in silence?"

"That depends", he answered.

"On what?"

"Is it a crush or do you really love him?"

I didn't know how to answer that. 

"Ok, that was a tough one", Dad sighed. "Lemme guess, you can't stop thinking about him? You see him and you feel like there's a swarm of butterflies in your stomach? Like your heart skips a beat?"

"Yes", I answered. "I couldn't imagine him with anyone else."

"Then, tell him. St. Xocolatl's day is tomorrow tell him then,  you can make some of your famous chocolates. I know how much you love St. Xocolatl's day, now share it with him."

" I will, thanks, Dad. "

I walked to open the door but only to see Yuki, Matsuki, and  Zero. I got nervous, what if they heard the conversation?

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