Chapter III: Fang of Penitence

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~Yumi's POV~

I sat at the table with  Matsuki,  Yuki and Zero surrounded by a smorgasbord of breakfast. Yuki ate happily as I drink my mocha groggily, Matsuki drank his coffee and Zero was griping about being up at the crack of dawn.   I ate the food in front of me and Zero noticed that Yuki was spacing out.

"Daydreaming again?", he teased.

"No", Yuki countered.

"Well, your spaced out expression says otherwise."

"Zero, leave her alone. It's too early for Yuki, she's groggy", I defended.


I promised Zero Salted Ramen if he let up on teasing Yuki. Yuki and Matsuki discussed a date on Saturday to get ice cream.  Zero gagged at the lovey-dovey vibes they gave off. We continued to eat in silence until Zero spoke up. 

"Why would he call us here at the crack of dawn?", Zero yawned.

"I don't know," shrugged Matsuki. "I mean it's not even a school day and  we're in our uniforms."

"Speak for yourself", I joked. "I'm in my lucky flannel and jeans."

"Well most of us are in our uniforms", said Yuki. 

Dad suddenly walked into the dining room with his camera and took a picture of us. Yuki and Matsuki smiled, I gave Yuki and Zero bunny ears while smiling and Zero blocked his face with a meat bun. 

"What's with the smorgasbord and the picture, Dad?", I inquired.

"Well it's a special day, because today is Yuki, Zero and Matsuki's first responsibility as the disciplinary committee", Dad boasted.

"Yay", Zero said with false enthusiasm.

~Time skip to the inspection brought to you by the Kirito is Always Right Foundation~

~Yuki's POV~

I was confiscating the photo albums that the day class students have been keeping with secret pictures of the night class. I was hackled and cursed at but I was only doing my job. Matsuki was checking rooms and Zero was checking off rooms from the list.

"Yuki, you're abusing your power as the headmaster's daughter!", whined a girl as I took pictures out of her hand.

"That's not true. I'm just doing my job as a member of the disciplinary committee", I countered.

The class rep came out of his hiding spot and reprimanded me too. He was obviously hiding something behind his back. Zero snatched it away from the class rep and tossed it into the cart. Matsuki walked over to us with a photo album with Yumi's name on it. Zero snapped and demanded to know who it belonged to.

"Room 325, Touta Shoto", said Matsuki.

"I'll be back", Zero sneered before storming off.

"Zero, no!", I cried but Matsuki held me back. "Matsu-Chan, let me go I have to stop him from hurting someone."

"Yuki, let him be. It's his girlfriend's dignity being threatened", said Matsuki. "If anything happens, I'll stop him."


We heard Zero yelling at Touta, he wasn't happy. Zero emerged from the room with Touta being held by the ear.

"Now, get out of my sight", Zero commanded as he let Touta go, he ran away terrified.

~Time Skip to the Moon Dorm brought to you by Alucard watching Twilight~

The three of us walked to the gate keeper and he let us in. I gulped and walked in between Matsu and Zero towards the dorm entrance where we were met with Yumi. She was leaning against the door.

"Hey, guys", she said. "I was just visiting my friends. They're all ready for the inspection."

"Great!", beamed Matsuki.

"That's good", I said happily.

"I just hope we won't see anything weirder than the Sun Dorm", huffed Zero.

Yumi skipped down the steps and hugged Zero, causing something to fall out of his pocket. He picked it up and we kept walking up the steps. I slipped and fell. Matsuki tried to catch me but I landed on Zero. I shot up and smiled because I had the thing he was hiding.

"What is this?", I asked.

"Give it back", Zero hissed.

"Yuki, that's his private property", Matsu and Yumi said in unison.

"Is it medicine? Are you sick?", I asked worriedly.

Zero snatched it from me and looked away.

"It's none of your business", he said.

"Zero, she was just worried about you/ I told you to leave it alone Yu-Yu", said Matsu and Yumi at the same time.

Zero left the Moon Dorm and off school grounds. Yumi followed him and called after him. I saw Zero take Yumi's hand and they left together. Should I go after them or continue the inspection? I felt Matsu put his hand on my shoulder. I looked at him in confusion.

" Go after them, I'll continue the inspection", he said.

"Ok", I nodded.

I left and followed them.

~Le time skip to after Zero heard Yuki scream brought to you by Alucard meeting Winston~

~Yumi's POV~

I stood in front of the bell tower with my blessed pistol in hand next to Zero. I saw a Level E vampire crawling down the tower like a spider. 

"Zero! Up there!", I shouted as I pointed to what used to be a woman.

She jumped and I crouched down and covered my neck. I look up to see Zero kick the Level E away. She landed in a pile of wood and got up before she stalked towards us. Zero pushed me behind him and brandished his Bloody Rose gun at the vampire's head.

"One... of... us. You... one... of... us?", she asked Zero.

"SHUT UP!", Zero shouted before shooting her.

The woman was reduced to dust in the wind. There was a small Level E child who looked at us before climbing up the tower. There was a scream that I could recognize as my sister.

"YUKI!", Zero and I cried in sync.

~Time skip to the school brought to you by Levi cleaning my room~

Yuki and I were walking the halls of the dorm to find Zero so they can meet Matsuki together for patrol. We stopped at Zero's room and knocked on the door.

"Zero, we're coming in ok?", Yuki asked.

"Yeah, so you better be dressed!", I taunted.

We opened the door to see the room empty. Maybe he left to do patrols without the others? We walked down the halls and Yuki dropped our flashlight and we frantically ran to the top of the stairs. We saw Zero there, he was against the window in a crouched position. Yuki and I walked down the stairs towards him.

(A/N: imagine Yumi in this video right next to Yuki)

"Yuki!", I shouted as I hugged her.

"Yuki, Yumi... I..", Zero stammered.

We stood there. Yuki went slightly limp.

"Yuki!", I cried as I hugged her close. 

"Yuki?", asked a new voice.

We all looked up to see Matsuki with his hand on his away hip.

"What have I done?", Zero whispered to himself.

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