Chapter VI: Their Choices

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~Yuki's POV~

"Zero!", I cried as he held his shoulder.

Blood dripped out of the wound and into the water.

"Even if it's just a graze, it probably hurts like hell", Mr. Yagari spat as he lifted his shotgun again. "A spell was put on that bullet to kill vampires. Zero, even when you have a thirst for blood are you ready to brace yourself?"

Zero tensed up, knowing what that meant. I held Zero close to me, I promised Yumi I'd keep him safe and that's exactly what I'm gonna do.

"Dad, don't!", I heard Matsuki cry.

"Matsuki, this is our job. Hunting vampires is what we do, Son", Mr. Yagari stated.

"He's my best friend! He's dating Yumi Cross, Dad! The freaking headmaster's oldest daughter!! The headmaster won't hesitate to do something about it because his daughter's happiness is at stake!"

"Kaien will get over it, and Yumi will find someone else."

"SHE LOVES HIM!!", I shouted. "Yumi has a connection to Zero that you may never understand. And because of that, I cannot let you decide Zero's fate for him. "

"We won't let you kill him", Matsuki said as he reached for his own gun.

"Yuki, Mastu, it's ok", Zero reassured us as he pulled away from my embrace. "Just tell Yumi I love her. And promise me you guys will protect her for me."

"I promise", I whispered.

Mr. Yagari raised his gun to aim.

"YOU TOOK THINGS TOO FAR!!", Headmaster shouted as he ran over to us and snatched the gun out of Mr. Yagari's hands. "Look, this is a perfect example of why I hate vampire hunters."

"ZERO!!", Yumi cried as she came to view. 

"Yumi", Zero wheezed. 

Yumi pulled Zero out of the water while Matsuki did the same with me.

~Yumi's POV~

I hugged Zero close to me as he shivered.

"Are you ok?", I asked.

"I'm fine", he managed to say through chattering teeth. 

I took off my coat and wrapped it around him. 

"There, now you're not a Bakacicle", I joked. 

"Sh-shut up", Zero stuttered as he stood up.

I stood up and walked over to Mr. Yagari and slapped him hard. 

"YOU HEARTLESS BAKAYARO!!!", I shouted at him. "I don't give a damn if you are Matsuki's dad, nobody points a gun at my sister and boyfriend!!!"

"You really are that twit's daughters, you two see me as your enemy instead of the vampire you protected", Mr. Yagari scoffed.

"Don't call my father that! That's my job!! Kutabare, old man!"

I walked off with Zero. 

~The next day~

Zero wasn't in class again, he's probably still recovering. I'm not surprised.

~Time skip to the switch off brought to you by Zero meeting Dr. Jekyll~

I was pushing the day class girls away from the moon dorm with Yuki and Mastuki when I saw Kaname check out Yuki. Akahana smiled at me and passed by before clasping onto Aido's left ear, dragging him away from his adoring fans. 

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