The Best Medicine (Patton x Virgil)

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Patton and Roman were on the couch watching an animal documentary about peguins, and Logan was reading The Odyssey for the 15th time. It was all peaceful until Patton heard the faintest sound.


He ran to Virgil's room and completely obliterated the door.

"Why did you do that?!" Virgil shouted hoarsely.

"That is not what matters! Why didn't you tell me you're sick?" Patton asked concerned.

"I'm not sick," Virgil said turning to look away from his boyfriend.

His room said otherwise. It was littered with tissues and his trash can was overflowing with them. Virgil had 3 blankets around him, yet he was still shivering.

"That does it! I'm getting you some medicine," Patton said and jumped off the bed.

"No, medicine taste awful!!" Virgil complained.

"Trust me, this medicine is really sweet," Patton said and bounded down the hall towards the kitchen.

Virgil sat there confused. What medicine is sweet? He pondered this in his delusional state.

Meanwhile, Patton was grabbing Virgil's medicine and some soup. Virgil was gonna be better in no time.

Patton walked back into Virgil's room and set down the soup, and then gave Virgil 2 cookies.

"What about my medicine?" Virgil asked confused.

"Don't you know that cookies are the best medicine?" Patton asked smiling widely.

Logan had heard their entire conversation and shouted,"Patton, you know cookies are not a suitable medication."

Hiya! This is my first story, so sorry if it's bad. I'll be updating very often, and I'm also taking requests!! Anyways, Bye Now!

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