A Season to Give

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Logan muttered a "hmm?" in response, to Patton's delight.
You see, he's been trying to get Logan's attention all night.

"You've been working all night and all day.
Why can't you stop and enjoy Christmas today?"

Patton asked with an eyebrow raised.
"I've got no time to be fazed. We must put out a scripted video for the holidays."

Logan said with a sigh.
Patton knew it was no hope, so he walked away, head still high.

Little did he know about Logan's secret. I'll let you in on it, but you have to keep it.

They're planning a Christmas party as a surprise.
It'll give Patton the warmest of smiles.

Patton, without a clue, continued on his way.
Maybe Roman would like to play in the snow today?

"Hey Roman?" Patton asked with a giggle.
"Yes Patton?" Roman asked with confusion, just a little.

"Will you come to play?" Patton asked with glee.
"I have things to do for the video, so not today, please."

Patton sighed just a little, but away he went.
He was going to get someone to play with him, and that was his intent.

He stopped infront of Virgil's door, and raised his gentle fist.
Though, he then looked at the door, and it had a paper on it that read this:

Go away. ㅑ(
                      - Virgil

So no one would play with him, not even Virgil?
Patton was so upset that he felt his blood curdle.

He went to his room, slamming the door tight.
Looks like he'll be alone on Christmas Eve night.

"Patton?" A voice said, almost 2 hours later.
"Yes?" He asked, making his voice a bit gayer.

He had been crying in his bed, poor thing.
"Sorry for bothering,"

The voice said without glee,
"but come, I need you to follow me."

Patton opened the door, still kind of mopin'.
Though that went away when he saw his lovely friend, Logan.

He led Patton downstairs, stumbling. Though, there was also something he was muttering.

"I'm sorry for being so mean today."
Though he stopped whatever Logan was going to say.

When he saw what was there in the living room, he was so surprised. Patton's huge heart grew 6 inches in size.

For it was his friends, Thomas, Virgil, now Logan, and Roman.
They were sat on the couch and had the karaoke machine going.

There were Christmas cookies that were fresh and looked delicious.
There were even hot chocolates on two large dishes.

"This is what we were working on today, sorry for making you unhappy."
"You-you did this all for me?"

"Wait," Patton said, "I have my gift for each of you this Christmas."
Roman spoke up,"Oh Patton, you shouldn't have to give a present to us."

"The gift," Patton continued,"is all the love I can give you."
Thomas shouted, "Aww, that was so sweet I might need a tissue!"

So, they went on with the party with glee.
That just leaves this message from me.

I hope you have a Merry Christmas with your friends and family near.
Also, don't forget, have a happy New Year!

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