Umbrella With a Story (Logan x Patton)

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The rain fell heavily down as Logan sat in the car, waiting for it to let up. He turned and looked at the bright red umbrella in his backseat. He smiled, remembering the story behind the beautiful object.

- New York City, 2 years ago -

He paced down the sidewalk, trying to not be even later to work. He could see his breath out in front of him. The lamppost cast a yellowish light onto the pavement that his shadow crushed as he kept walking. He looked up ahead and saw a beautiful young man carrying a shimmering red umbrella. He hummed a lovely melody as he strolled infront of Logan. He splashed in all the puddles on his merry way. He swung the umbrella around his wrist. He was beautiful. He subtly walked up next to the man. He quickly took in the black-rimmed glasses, the goofy grin, and the raw innocence of the man. Logan then spoke,

"Hello. That's a lovely umbrella. "

And that's what started their friendship, and more importantly, their love for each other.

Guess who and what is back? Me! I'm planning to update every 3 days, so if I don't stick to it ya'll can spam me to update. Also Logicality is back and it's been a while. Also...

AHHHHHH! Ya'll are so awesome! Thank you for all the support! Bye now! 💜

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AHHHHHH! Ya'll are so awesome! Thank you for all the support! Bye now! 💜

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