Pick Up Lines (Logan x Virgil)

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Logan was sitting on the couch reading To Kill a Mockingbird. He looked up and saw Virgil shuffling into the room. Virgil was nervously fidgeting with his hands and sat next to him without say anything, so he continued reading.

"Y-You look cold, wanna use me as a blanket?" Virgil asked.

"It's 75 degrees outside," Logan said flatly.

Virgil just shook his head and left the living room.

It was later in the day, and Logan was in his room working on Thomas's next video. He heard someone open the door, but didn't bother to see who it was.

Virgil nervously walked in and sat next to the busy trait.

"Feel this jacket," Virgil said.

"What about it?" Logan asked as he touched it.

"Feels like boyfriend material," Virgil finished.

"Actually it probably is around 80% cotton," Logan stated.

"Come on Logan, I like you!" Virgil said frustrated.

"Oh," Logan said.

Logan, feeling embarrassed, looked away.

"I-I reciprocate your feelings," Logan said quietly.

Logan kissed Virgil's cheek, and Virgil's cheeks flushed.

"Well, it wasn't a hopeless venture," Virgil said.

I'm sorry this is short. I know I haven't done a story with Roman, but I just don't have good ideas for one. I'll post a Roman story today, I promise. Bye Now! 💜

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