Passion Projects (Roman x Virgil)

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"Hey Virgil?" Roman asked. He was sitting on the couch next to Virgil, trying to brainstorm some ideas for a new video.(Sorry it's a cliche storyline :/ )

"Yeah?" Virgil replied.

"What do you do when you have to do work that you need to do, but don't want to do?" Roman asked.

"Good question. I think about all my passion projects I want to achieve," Virgil replied.

"What good does that do?" Roman said confused.

"It lets me know that if I do the work, it might help me achieve my passion projects," Virgil replied simply.

"Oh. So, what are your passion projects?" Roman curiously asked.

"More like project, and it's to make sure you are happy and safe," Virgil said smiling.

"That's sweet, and consider it a complete passion project," Roman said, and then kissed Virgil's cheek.

Roman is me. I have writer's block, but I won't tell you why I have it :). Bye Now! 💜

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