Hot Tea (Logan x Virgil)

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Virgil sighed as he heard the bell on the door ring. Tuesday's were the worst  days at his coffee shop.

"Hello welcome to Cafe Beau, I'-" Virgil stopped talking as he looked at the customer.

He was way taller than Virgil, and looked very well put together.

"Hi, I'll just have a cappuccino," he said.

"O-Okay what's your n-name?" Virgil stammered, immediately mentally face-palming himself.

"Logan," Logan said, and then walked away to a table.

Good one, Virgil. He went to make Logan's drink, when he had an idea.

He made his way over to Logan's table.

"Here you go, a cappuccino and hot tea," Virgil said confidently.

"I only ordered the cappuccino, so why did you also bring me hot tea?" Logan asked. There was no one else besides them because it was so early.

"Because that's what you are," Virgil said.

Logan stared at him confused.

"A hottie," Virgil finished.

Logan's face went red, and he turned his face trying to hide it.

Virgil went to deal with the many customers coming into the shop.

~•~•~Time skip brought to you by hot tea~•~•~

Virgil was cleaning the last few tables for the day, when he noticed a small note.

"Thanks for the hot tea, I think you are attractive too. - Logan

At the bottom was Logan's number. Virgil smiled to himself as he put on his coat and left the shop.

Wow, 2 updates in 1 day? I'm on a roll! I hope you awesome people have enjoyed this story. I got this idea from the image above. Bye Now! 💜

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