Error sans x Glitch!neko!reader

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again, one of those random ideas I have. but Echo_Eli_Athraithe thinks I have a crush on error, NOT TRUE! who do you think it is? (echo, don't spoil it!)

You were a neko, and managed to hide this from the humans, since you lived on the surface. That was until the bullies at your school ganged up on you and beat you, ripping your hood off, exposing your neko ears. They then knocked you unconscious and threw you down Mount Ebbot.  

Since then, you lived in the underground, thinking this is where you belonged. You lived with Sans and Papyrus, but often stayed up half the night, exploring.

One night, you were dozing off in a tree under the moonlight when something hit the tree. You jolted awake, looking down for anyone who woke you. No-one showed themselves and you sighed, curling up to go back to sleep. This time, something grabbed your s/c soul tightly and laughed before you blacked out.

~present time~

You had woken up in an empty black world. It seemed endless. 

"Hello?" you called, tugging at the strings on your soul. You couldn't break free. Just as you were going to give up on freeing yourself, you were dropped to the ground and you

"YoUrE aWaKe?" you turned around and tilted your head, confused. it wasn't your sans, but similar.

"Who are you, why did you bring me here and what do you want with me?" you said, getting up.

"hOw CoME YoU eXiSt?"

"I just do...?" you sway your tail threateningly. "Who are you and why did you take me?"

"I-IM eRrOr,"

"And you took me because...?"

"YoUrE a GlIcHh-h-h! YoU aReNt SuPpOsEd To ExIsT!"

"Not my fault. You look like the personification of a glitch yourself," you say, growling. Then you heard a portal open behind you.

"Error I knew it was you! Let y/n go now!" Ink said. You were perfectly capable of defending yourself, but ran behind Ink anyway.

"ShE iS a GlI-i-iTcH!"

"She is from the original timeline, don't touch her!" This back and fourth bickering went on for  several minutes before you stood between them.

"THATS ENOUGH!" you screamed, your claws glowing f/c. "You are fighting like children!", you growl. Ink grabs you and teleports, returning you to undertale before going as quick as he came.

~that night~

You were in a tree again, sleeping when you jolted awake. Something wasn't right. You looked around and your ears perked up.

"HeLlO," you almost fell from the tree at the sound of Error's voice. You hauled yourself up onto the branch and your claws glowed. "HeY, I-I-I'm NoT gOnNa HuRt YoU," you batted a paw at him, but he grabbed you hand and smiled, making you blush lightly.

"Why are you here, won't Ink attack you?"

"nO, hE wOnT aTtAcK. AnD iM hErE bEcAuSe YoUrE iN dAnGeR," you tilt your head.

"I'm listening," you say, smiling.

"In A wAy, YoU aReNt SuPpOsEd To ExIsT. BuT sInCe YoU aRe FrOm ThE oRiGiOnAl TiMeLiNe, I sh-shOul-dnt KiLl YoU," your eyes meet.

" wont kill me even though I'm supposed to not be here?"

"PrEtTy MuCh," then his expression becomes scared. "BuT I-F fRiSk ReSeTs, YoU wILl MoSt LiKlEy DiSsApEaR,"

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