hey there

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I've been through some things, and I still am; I know I'm not the only one.
I want to be more of an activist. I wanna help.
So, I decided to make this little self-love guide full of tips and knowledge that has helped me, and will hopefully help you. Please encourage this on yourself and others. We all just need a helping hand once and a while.
Thanks, as always,
Lily 🌿

Other books by greetingslily:

to end this winter - namjoon (bts)

She was perfect; her hair splayed out on her pillow, a small smile proof that she was having a delicate and wonderful dream. Oh Botus, how that dream is going to end so, so terribly.
Botus was a regular girl, except she wasn't. Not to Namjoon. He needed her, he was desperate. And desperate times call for desperate measures.

numinous (completed)

numinous: being both fearful and awed by what is before you
Avon Waterson has been forced to move to Redwood California; a calm and quiet, desolate town... Or so it seems

playlists - discover

a better me is coming - a self-love guide Where stories live. Discover now