4. part 3

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Exam Prep:

1. Sleep
You must sleep 8 hours or more! How are you gonna take an exam if you're tired and your mind hasn't taken time to rest and retain all that information? Sleeping 8 + hours will keep you more focused and alert.

2. Study Area
Make sure your study area is quiet and distraction free. The best places are the library, outside in a field/quiet park etc.

3. Breakfast
Make sure to eat a healthy filling breakfast so you're not hungry during the exam. Even if it's small, it will help.

4. Distractions
Put your phone on silent and resist the urge to touch it. Everything well still be there after you've studied. Take time to yourself and tell your friends you'll see them after you've studied.

5. Relax
Stay positive and encourage yourself! Panicking will just make you feel worse and make you blank out! Focus and breathe.

6. Studying Habits
Start studying weeks before the exam! Do not I repeat DO NOT cram everything in the night before because you will not retain it.
Study for at least an hour a day. Use bright highlighters to make the important information pop out on the page. Keep your notes neat and ask your teachers for help! Don't be afraid to ask about the things you don't understand because you never know if it'll be in your exam.
Reward yourself! Take breaks in between and and stay hydrated.

By donttouchmyafro

Author's Note:
Chill amigo, all is swell. Let your heart do the smiley emoji.
Thanks, as always,
Lily 🌿

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