3. part 4

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Simple ways to feel better about your appearance:

- shower everyday
(You don't have to wash your hair everyday, but still use body wash.)
- wash your face + moisturise twice a day
- brush your teeth and use mouthwash twice a day
- floss
- put on body + hand lotion daily
- spritz/rub on your favourite perfume
- use deodorant, and lots of it
- shave regularly (if you choose too) with a nice razor
- use body scrub once a week
- scrub your feet + moisturise them
- keep your nails trimmed
- keep your eyebrows under control
- use lip balm
- wear your retainers if you've been slacking
(The rule is every night for the first year, three days a week for the second, then two days, then one for as long as possible.)
- drink water
- eat whole-foods
- don't drink soda daily
(I only drink it when I have rum and coke at parties 😂.)
- get 8 hours of sleep
- exercise regularly
- buy cute, flattening clothes
- wear make-up if it makes you feel happy
- tell yourself you're beautiful everyday

By studenting on tumblr

Author's Note:
Thanks, as always,
Lily 🌿

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